Short Cuts Comments

  • Sofia 2022-04-20 09:02:08

    Multi-linear narrative means that the more lines are laid, the more testing the director's skills. But the idea that the film wants to express is really weak. The sex appeal of watching movies is almost wiped out by trivial...

  • Jacinthe 2022-04-20 09:02:08

    Life is a gorgeous robe full of lice. After reading it, I only think of the poem Carver's "Luck": After many years, / I still want to give up / friends, love, the bright starry sky, / change seats with no one at home / house, no one comes back, / how much wine do you want to drink how many. A collection of Raymond Carver's original works, the three-hour film didn't feel boring after watching it in one go. Super group show, face blind patients watch...

  • Brice 2022-04-20 09:02:08

    The narrative structure neatly presents a microcosm of society. The movie is actually not bad, but it's a bit difficult to substitute. Sure enough, the life of the people in LA is very different from the life in the Northeast of the United States. Even the accent is different. What are the so-called regional differences? [Julianne Moore's pubic hair is orange,...

  • Gerald 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    It's all big names, but after watching it, I still don't know what it's talking about except for the fragmentary clips. The trivial is not beautiful, but the three-hour trivial is a bit long. It is commendable that the length is not reduced, but the scriptures of each family are quite humorous and textured for bystanders around the living conditions and experiences of the characters. I admit that I am just a...

  • Daphney 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    This lineup is so reassuring. . too long. . The Casey line is so dark (the actor grew up to be a stuntman?). . The adverb "too" is really...

  • Mercedes 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    A very gray movie, I sighed that since there are so many Chinese translations of this movie, "X love is a son of a bitch" is...

  • Arne 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    A well-organized non-linear narrative, unfortunately, how did medfly disappear afterward? The life of the petty bourgeoisie under a non-fatal crisis and panic, as well as sudden force majeure, the shortbus of later generations is likely to be the teacher of Robert...

  • Angela 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    The masterpiece of the group drama master Robert Ultraman, so it can also be called the representative work of Ultraman, from which we can see and understand all the elements and styles of Ultraman movies. Ultraman's forte is to tell fragmented stories that reject the grand narrative in the intricate and large narrative structure with many characters, which is quite postmodern. This also reminded me of Roy Anderson, a master of postmodernism far away in Europe. The characters in Ultraman movies...

  • Vaughn 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Masterpieces, profoundly depicting the seemingly inconsequential intersections between...

  • Carmella 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Julianne Moore! So many people, so few plays, the dew point is still your...

Extended Reading

Short Cuts quotes

  • Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!

    Doreen Piggot: Don't talk to me like that and don't you come back here! I'm not taking you back no more, understand? No more, I'm not taking you back!

    Earl Piggot: I'm not COMING back!

    Doreen Piggot: Slobbering over Honey like that, it was so embarrassing...

    Earl Piggot: I never touched Honey!

    Doreen Piggot: I didn't say you touched her, I said you slobbered on her!

  • Lois Kaiser: Don't you want me to lick your balls for you?

Short Cuts

Director: Robert Altman

Language: English Release date: October 1, 1993

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