Short Cuts Comments

  • Sophia 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    This movie really saw the DVD from the VCD, and on the basis of the DVD collection, I did not hesitate to collect the Blu-ray dual-disc version, but forgot to add the standard and other reasons; by watching "Gosford Manor" Opportunity to simply reopen the Blu-ray disc, it is also to supplement the standard and re-watch it, to complement the intermittent viewing impression. The movie is still the main movie. There are as many as dozens of actors at various periods of life in the main movie....

  • Delia 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    8.1 The length of three hours tells about a group of people who do not know each other but whose destiny is staggered. Compared with Magnolia, it is slightly plain and not deep...

  • Aryanna 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    The last earthquake was worse than frog rain. Ultraman's group drama was unmatched. In his film (and his disciple PTA), Los Angeles was a strange city full of mental illnesses! It’s really bad to use TV shows as a transition. No wonder they used to do...

  • Imelda 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    Trivial black humor, and Moore's red...

  • Dayton 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    There is no orgasm, and there must be preparation/enlightenment that the whole story is an orgasm. Compared with the disciple PTA’s Magnolia, the sense of joy/satisfaction is very strong. The practice of simultaneous conversations between N groups in the same scene still seems...

  • Paolo 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    I can’t find his intention in Carver’s novel. It took a long time to distinguish many characters after it was changed into a movie. If everything is meaningless, then why is there any reason to live? The same negative emotions are better than Dazai. The treatment is much more abstract... The director’s actor scheduling is not bad, otherwise it will not be able to support the 190-minute story of 9 families. Unfortunately, except for Sugar Mud Moore and McDowell, most of the other actors have not...

  • Janelle 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    A very American movie. Jack Clement's acting is too explosive! The masterpiece of Ultraman's mesh narrative. American style painting, Ukiyo-e besieged city. The milk-like editing and the separation of sound and picture are great. A three-hour narrative poem, nine short stories by Carver and a poem. From the beginning of the insecticide to the end of the earthquake, their lives are trapped...

  • Eldridge 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    1. The art of editing is here; 2. The daily appearance of low- and middle-product families in the United...

  • Ashly 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    6/10. I almost got bored after reading it. Except for the big earthquake at the end, I have a lot of thoughts, and I feel like it's too much in other respects. I didn't shoot new ideas on the old theme of the middle class, and the cohesion of the editing was not as dexterous as that of [Magnolia]. Altman’s original intention was just to photograph the essence of ordinary people’s life, like eating is eating, sleeping is sleeping... But is this as meaningful as Andy Warhol’s shooting of the...

  • Edwina 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    7.9 Too long! ! ! ! ! ! . . And the editing schedule is not as awesome as Nashville. . That work is indeed unsurpassable. . . . In contrast. Magnolia is probably the only work I like...

Extended Reading

Short Cuts quotes

  • Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!

    Doreen Piggot: Don't talk to me like that and don't you come back here! I'm not taking you back no more, understand? No more, I'm not taking you back!

    Earl Piggot: I'm not COMING back!

    Doreen Piggot: Slobbering over Honey like that, it was so embarrassing...

    Earl Piggot: I never touched Honey!

    Doreen Piggot: I didn't say you touched her, I said you slobbered on her!

  • Lois Kaiser: Don't you want me to lick your balls for you?

Short Cuts

Director: Robert Altman

Language: English Release date: October 1, 1993

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