Hilbert 2022-03-25 09:01:19
I kind of understand what Peking University film professor Dai Jinhua said when he commented on "Eight Hundred", "We have lost the ability to have a dialogue with the inner logic of that period of history." The whole film is about Rwanda from the perspective of a white man. , but white people fail to see that the massacre was caused by white people - American inaction, French agitation, German slaying, Belgium's withdrawal, etc. The four-star rating is that this movie made me really understand...
Norval 2022-03-25 09:01:19
Therefore we politely request just before you leave us that your soldiers use their guns to kill...
Lola 2022-03-25 09:01:19
In the film, the Tutsi refugees are reluctant to speak to Francois of the Hutu. Joey asked why, Francois said to Joey: "You don't understand..." - remembering an old saying: tragedy is not that 800,000 people were massacred at that time and place, the tragedy is that 800,000 people were killed at that time and that time Places can be...
Merl 2022-03-25 09:01:19
The TV movie looks unpleasant, but it's better than the ones made by CCTV6. I thought it was a very cliché plot, but it was a little accident in the end, or in other words, it was some meaty people in this kind of movie. In front of them are not picky, and this is originally a documentary...
Ibrahim 2022-03-25 09:01:19
The title of the film is quite impactful. The story still takes place in the Rwanda region, and the ethnic conflict between Hutu and Tutsi people, but it is actually a discussion of human...
Waylon 2022-03-24 09:03:27
I'm so angry and sad to see, morality, ideals are as crisp as thin paper in front of the river of...
Marco 2022-03-24 09:03:27
I'm so angry and sad to see, morality, ideals are as crisp as thin paper in front of the river of...
Robin 2022-03-24 09:03:27
B-, the greatest significance of the film itself is to throw out a philosophical proposition: what is more terrible than genocide is indifference. The behavior of the United Nations to abandon Rwandan refugees should indeed be questioned. White people are not nobler than black people in the face of life and death, and there should be no priority to evacuate. Human nature is always revealed when it is most dangerous, and we are all weak and weak as human...
Ettie 2022-03-24 09:03:27
B-, the greatest significance of the film itself is to throw out a philosophical proposition: what is more terrible than genocide is indifference. The behavior of the United Nations to abandon Rwandan refugees should indeed be questioned. White people are not nobler than black people in the face of life and death, and there should be no priority to evacuate. Human nature is always revealed when it is most dangerous, and we are all weak and weak as human...
Juston 2022-03-24 09:03:27
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ4NzE0NTI3Mg==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0 Movie based on real events: 800,000 people were massacred in Rwanda in 3 months, but the United Nations watched https://www...
Shooting Dogs Comments
Christopher: I'll see to that after Mass.
Joe Connor: Mass?
Christopher: I'm a priest in a Catholic country, Joe. This is what I do.
Joe Connor: Yeah, sure. But do you think it is the best time for that?
Christopher: In times of stress, people need to commune with God.
Joe Connor: I think maybe they'd prefer some food, water, a spot of reassurance.
Christopher: Well, come to Mass-get all three on the same ticket.
Marie: Does God love everyone? Does he even love those men on the road outside?
Christopher: God doesn't always like everything we do. That's our choice. But he loves all his children.