Shoeshine Comments

  • Annie 2023-03-01 12:22:31

    The story told in less than 90 minutes is also extremely complete and twists and turns. Desica is first and foremost a playwriting genius. There are many prison-themed movies, but very few of them feature children as the protagonists. The actors are all...

  • Cullen 2023-02-14 07:51:01

    It's all a horse's fault. I guessed that this blanket would be tricky. A child is a child. Desica has always been good at contrasting capitalism with the toiling masses....

  • Jarvis 2023-02-10 00:51:11

    Early works of Italian Neorealism. After World War II, Italy was devastated, and street children struggled to survive. The final breakdown of the sincere friendship of the two teenagers may be the greatest tragedy brought to life by the cruel...

  • Hoyt 2023-02-09 09:00:25

    4.4 Succession of "Children's Hope", followed by "The Bicycle...

  • Betty 2023-02-09 07:59:16

    Just because of an exploited whistleblower incident, the two shoe-shine boys turned against each other from now on. Although the old friendship between each other still exists, the gap between the two is getting bigger and...

  • Nadia 2023-02-07 09:40:43

    When the children entered the juvenile detention center, they became real criminals. This purgatory-like environment changed the souls of the two children. They were brutal, ruthless, betrayed, framed, and escaped from prison. . . When a child dies in the arms of another child, he does not know what he has done. What we want to say is what the world has done to children. . . PS One of the children has a head that looks like Adrien Brody. ....

  • Kacey 2023-01-29 00:37:55

    The film still has traces of plot and incident wrestling. In "Bicycle Thief" the two reach...

  • Everett 2023-01-24 07:28:49

    They had made their dreams come true, the happy scene of riding together on horseback, but in the end, even the horse did not want to hear the sound of the boy crying for the death of the other...

  • Keegan 2023-01-23 13:48:01

    If you want me, I may end up stabbing the white horse, a symbol of love and dreams, to death. Unexpectedly, Maggie took off the belt and returned the whipped hand he once replaced to his best friend. He became a real informer and murderer. When innocence is trampled to death, they fall like fate, who remembers the sea on burning film, their faces twinkling like stars under the light and...

  • Ally 2023-01-18 21:38:12

    After watching the DeSica film, I feel more and more Italian realism. Another perspective of a child in the history of blood and tears in the bottom society. The small, honest and big smart are all good people who have a beautiful dream of riding a horse but are forced to no return by real...

Extended Reading

Shoeshine quotes

  • Giuseppe Filippucci: Whoever invented the elevator is a genius.

    Pasquale Maggi: Tell me about it. I slept in one for three months.

  • Pasquale Maggi: [as the film projector is being set up in the boys' prison] In here they feed us, they shelter us, they give us clothes, and they even entertain us. What else could we want? This is paradise!


Director: Vittorio De Sica

Language: Italian,English Release date: August 26, 1947