Shimmer Lake Comments

  • Oscar 2023-02-16 12:48:32

    Wasting life and wasting time is not worth...

  • Linnie 2023-01-24 04:31:47

    Almost everyone in the film has a bad heart... real flashbacks. A piece of shit to pass the...

  • Elza 2023-01-24 00:59:22

    It would be great if this piece was compressed to...

  • Tiffany 2023-01-11 05:57:08

    [Pictures] A brain-burning movie with flashbacks throughout! All that can understand is high...

  • Dawn 2022-12-28 11:13:15

    Flashbacks and reversals are...

  • Nigel 2022-12-23 10:04:47

    A very unique narrative, interspersed with a lot of black humor, and there is a reversal at the end, what more can you ask...

  • Bennie 2022-12-22 02:43:42

    The reverse order method is quite novel, and during the viewing process, there is also an urge to attract the audience and think about understanding the plot. The advancement of each chapter also allows the audience to discover the small details of the previous chapter, which is a good...

  • Grady 2022-12-12 02:47:33

    Forcibly flashbacks and forcibly install b... It's a very interesting...

  • Jess 2022-12-11 23:12:54

    The flashback structure is a bit of a bloodbath, and it is more...

  • Nolan 2022-11-25 19:36:31

    Netflix. Flashbacks from Friday, Thursday, Wednesday.... Let the viewer not only follow along, but also organize the timeline and plot by themselves. Steph's performance is very eye-catching. The more I watch it, the more I think it is a story of three idiots and a shrewd woman, and the male protagonist Zeke loses his sense of existence. The story is quite short, so one more...

Extended Reading

Shimmer Lake quotes

  • Zeke Sikes: Sorry, man. Escorting our state champion quarterback from his meeting with our state champion parole officer. Do you mind hoppin' in back?

    Reed Ethington: No, not at all. Hey, Ed.

    Ed Burton: How's it going, Reed?

    Reed Ethington: The back, huh? Never been back here.

    Ed Burton: *I* have. My guess is... you don't wash it after the canine unit uses it. You guys smell that?

  • [last lines]

    Reed Ethington: Man, Zeke. This is a real mess.

    Zeke Sikes: Yeah, it's an old mess.

    Reed Ethington: How do you mean?

    Zeke Sikes: I mean, this is what happens when wrongs go un-righted. They fester.

    Reed Ethington: You talking about Ed Jr.?

    Zeke Sikes: Yeah, you're damn fucking right I'm talking about Ed Jr. Eight lousy months he got.

    Reed Ethington: Don't worry about it. We'll get him.

    Zeke Sikes: I'm not worried about it, Reed. As far as I'm concerned... he's already got.