Shaft Comments

  • Micheal 2023-02-01 06:07:07

    From the first police and bandit movie to a funny movie, and the actors from 20 years ago have all reproduced Old Samuel has gained a lot of weight, but he has too many lotus flowers and laughs, and his son is...

  • Alvina 2023-01-31 06:35:51

    Is everyone laughing so...

  • Ollie 2023-01-23 16:49:30

    A low-cost box office movie. A few balabalas in the car room of the black people were talking, and after a shooting and fighting, they made a movie with a few random and humorous scenes. The protagonist is a smart and intelligent black man, and the supporting characters are a few stupid and clumsy white criminals. It feels like it was specially shot for the black brothers to use for...

  • Letha 2023-01-20 03:50:20

    It feels like a movie made for black people to cater to black...

  • Uriah 2023-01-06 07:07:02

    Maja Fake is back in the arena. The second half of the plot is a bit broken, and it's not...

  • Rebecca 2022-12-20 14:00:54

    Samsung itself, plus one star for music. However, the premise of this evaluation is that this is not a shaft...

  • Erick 2022-12-07 03:50:22

    So, can the current political correctness mean that blacks can cross the road at will regardless of traffic...

  • Angela 2022-11-11 14:42:54

    Hilarious, bgm...

  • Virgie 2022-10-08 03:29:08

    The illusion of life, Laurence Fishburne is much smaller than...

  • Lucie 2022-10-07 20:07:45

    The rhythm of the first half is a bit slow, but the more you look back, the more fun it is, every sentence will be incomplete without motherfuck...

Extended Reading

Shaft quotes

  • John Shaft Jr.: Is there no non-violent people in Harlem?

  • John Shaft I: Boy, back in the day, we didn't need guns. All we needed was our bare knuckles.

    [reveals an arsenal of firearms]

    John Shaft I: But you can't be too prepared.


Director: Tim Story

Language: English Release date: June 14, 2019