Serenity Comments

  • Lamar 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    Hahaha, I haven’t seen a film with so much brainstorming in screenwriters a few days. Nowadays, apart from being able to squeeze out some eunuch texts for the big movie studios, don’t you know how to write the most basic originals? Is there a genre...

  • Edgardo 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    The taste is the same, and you know the direction of the story halfway through, but it still depends on the director biting the bullet to finish the story. Before the release, there was basically no big publicity, and you can see how lack of confidence the film is. After the two leading actors won the Oscars, the films they took have been tepid and even going downhill, which is really...

  • Jamil 2022-03-16 09:01:05

    I always feel that the whole drama is too shallow, the AI ​​version of Truman's world? Following the director’s line of thought, the little boy missed his father and did not dare to make a decision, so he chose to use neural networks to simulate his father’s decision to gain courage. The moving part is that no matter how the little boy sets up people around his "father" to obstruct his father's decision to kill his stepdad, his father can't swallow this breath, "for justice", "this is just for...

  • Gennaro 2022-03-16 09:01:05

    Matthew + Annie = science fiction, Annie is really suitable for the role of hysterical femme...

  • Bethany 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    I was shocked by the plot. The game also corresponds to reality. All kinds of fast editing and passionate soundtrack make the film not suitable for serenity from beginning to end. Unexpected reversal. Various details suggest that the front and back echoes are very enjoyable. It is a bit contrary to the game created by a 13-year-old child to add so many sex scenes? Or is it your own father and...

  • Jaiden 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    It is not clear why it is reprinted as tranquility, it has nothing to do with tranquility anyway. This is a very sad story, which focuses on the psychological changes and struggles of a person after being traumatized. It's just that the way of presentation is very special, and the three views expressed may be controversial, but overall it is a unique and subtle observation of childhood psychological...

  • Emmitt 2022-03-14 14:12:25

    Quite interesting brain hole. Two takeaways: 1. The importance of knowing how to program 2. Domestic violence will not end...

  • Ashleigh 2022-01-10 08:02:17

    It should be made into an art film, not a commercial genre film. With less gimmicks and limited fun, the movie will have more weight! If it's just teenage programming, are those naked sex scenes really...

  • Orpha 2022-01-10 08:02:17

    The details can't stand scrutiny, the first half of the lines are too pretentious. The rhythm of shaking baggage is not bad, and it’s too deliberate to forcibly watch old-fashioned game lens rotation in the movie... And a child, letting the father and the npc rich woman all day long? ? ? Crooked? The idea is good, but the director did not use his force, and wasted a good...

Extended Reading

Serenity quotes

  • Constance: Okay, Dill. Say fate gave you the choice: you can get the lady, or you could catch that tuna that's in your head. Which one would you choose?

  • Duke: Pity is worse than a fist to the face.


Director: Steven Knight

Language: English,French Release date: January 25, 2019