Serena Comments

  • Chaz 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    You can understand why this film, which was shot in 2012, was hidden by the agents of two Hollywood stars for two full...

  • Daphney 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    jealousy can kill? to some of us, before meeting that person, he will doubt the possibility of meeting the true partner, give up, and go back to second place. If you are rigid enough, persistent enough, letting go, and daring enough to risk loneliness and death, you will actually live a happier...

  • Jed 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Zhan Niu changed her hair again to be a pure man, and she just laughed cry. The story is very smooth, the expression is clear, and the rhythm is step by step. There is no major problem overall, but it is also a little mediocre. In fact, Lawrence played very well, but still not suitable for this kind of role, it seems that the characters' feelings cannot be established. And Cooper is too suitable for such a role, passionate and charming, and ultimately lost in...

  • Nathaniel 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    In addition to bed scenes, the movie is about acting, and the plot is inexplicable. A good brother took the initiative to bribe and came back and he rebelled? What is the National Park of the Chief of Police? A good colleague betrayed again after giving the key? The man who was chopped off suddenly helped the heroine to kill? In addition to training eagles, cutting down trees and riding horses to be handsome, the female protagonist often talks about our future and then kills and commits...

  • Candice 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    The plot can only be described as simple and rude, but fortunately, the rudeness hides the simplicity. Various close-ups show Lawrence's acting skills, but the role itself is too...

  • Jake 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    The heroine is destined to be a lone...

  • Haylie 2022-01-15 08:01:55

    Sturdy life without...

Extended Reading

Serena quotes

  • [first lines]

    Pemberton: Hell, that dog's bigger than that. I thought you said there were panthers here.

    Galloway: I ain't seen a panther in these mountains for nine years.

    Pemberton: What about the carcass we found up in Noland? Something mauled that.

    Galloway: That weren't no panther. Chest weren't torn open. They eat the heart first.

    Pemberton: You find me an honest-to-God panther to hunt, and I'll give you a $20 gold piece.

    Galloway: If there's a panther still around here it's likely touched by the devil. They end up hunting you.

    Pemberton: Well, I want one.

  • Serena: I think you've taken none months to do about six months' work. But a few changes should greatly increase profitability.

    Buchanan: What did you find, wife or a partner?

    Pemberton: Both.