Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Comments

  • Avis 2023-09-29 14:10:42

    In the process of watching, the figures of the two friends kept superimposing on the protagonist. Albert Finney used to be handsome, too, although he was already showing signs of being...

  • Patsy 2023-09-14 00:46:21

    The Smiths' 1986 album The Queen Is Dead feature the line "Them was rotten days" said by Aunt Ada. Also the line by Doreen "I want to go where there's life and there's people" inspired the song "There Is A Light That Never" Goes Out" ("I want to see people and I want to see...

  • Eldridge 2023-09-11 07:46:48

    Cheating, drinking, fighting, mischievous, this Nottinghamshire machine tool Arthur is a London Alfie living in another black and white space. Compared with the latter's arrogance and irresponsibility, Arthur, who also magnifies his "self", will still dictate some philosophical and social insights. The characters created by the British "New Wave" through popular plots may have been somewhat fresh back then, but this innovation is just the establishment of another...

  • Jalyn 2023-09-04 10:48:10

    British New Wave. It is closer to the French New Wave and the French poetic realism of the 30s in terms of perception, combining the avant-garde audio-visual language of the former (short and fast editing, the composition of extreme angles and the use of subjective shots) and the pessimistic emotional quality of the latter's emptiness and confusion. Pioneering lies in the use of novel formats to tell topics that are acceptable to young audiences. Like the wave of new films in other countries at...

  • Nicole 2023-08-30 23:27:36

    This is director Carrell Reitz's first feature-length film. The director used a subjective lens to truly express the image of the prodigal son living in the British lower class on the screen, which left a deep impression on the audience. The film was praised as The representative work of the British "freedom film", its sharp and comedic concept makes people amazed; the starring Albert Finney is also known as "the angry youth in the kitchen...

  • Maia 2023-08-12 13:41:35

    A representative work of the British Free Film Movement, Reidz represents the generation of "angry youth" who resisted commercial films and traditional themes. They followed the French New Wave, German New Film, New Hollywood, Japanese New Wave and many other modern The film genre, which made British films into the stream of modern films, despair, negativity, and restraint breeds rebellion, innovation, and critical anti-traditional behavior. The film describes a series of behaviors of teenagers...

  • Demarco 2023-08-11 21:11:02

    The playground part is really...

  • Marcia 2023-08-10 17:06:13

    The opening chapter is full of skill, and at the same time highlights the realism of neorealism and the emotional richness of the new wave, but unfortunately the language of the shots behind is still a bit rough. Reflections on the British society at that time and the reform of the film. Both aspects are related, and neither aspect is perfect. On the contrary, the actor's acting skills hold up a lot of scenes, which is...

  • Marge 2023-08-08 07:24:11

    7.9 points. The story of this half-century ago still seems compact and exciting. In the seemingly underdeveloped 1960s, prodigals and spring tides always had a play and comfort that we in the 21st century would envy. Of course, so do...

  • Rachelle 2023-07-12 17:01:13

    Enjoy life fake liar, God knows what you are like. Don't tell you right and wrong, you won't know the difference between right and wrong. You're always lucky anyway, aren't...

Extended Reading

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning quotes

  • Doreen: Sharp, ain't he.

    Arthur Seaton: Is it somebody's birthday?

    Doreen: It's Mum's anniversary if you want to know.

    Arthur Seaton: I can't see your dad.

    Doreen: That's because he's not there.

    Arthur Seaton: Well, is he coming?

    Doreen: I shouldn't think so, he left her 15 years ago today and she's just having a drink on it.

    Arthur Seaton: [laughs]

    Doreen: Well I'm glad someone thinks it's funny.

  • Arthur Seaton: What's your name then duck?

    Doreen: Doreen, rotten name ain't it.

    Arthur Seaton: What's wrong with it? Mine's Arthur, neither of them's up to much but it's not our fault, is it.