Salvador Comments

  • Luisa 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    Thrilling. War photographers are no ordinary...

  • Jess 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    An anthem for war...

  • Angelita 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    It seems to be the most powerful of Oliver Stone's series of anti-war films. In addition to its own critical attributes of the US government, it also has some doubts about the left-wing front. A series of fast and powerful cuts depicts a lot of bloody and dirty events, young people without passes are shot in the street, the archbishop who calls for people to oppose the military government is assassinated, four innocent white women are raped and murdered in the middle of the night, the friend of...

  • Berneice 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    It seems to be more than fifty years behind...

  • Leonor 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    The music is also very good, I don't know if it's right or wrong today, it's...

  • Lacy 2022-03-26 09:01:14


  • Hayley 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    The director's helplessness and expectations for the world are often seen from the black background and white words at the end of the movie... It's heart-wrenching and can't be relieved. Oliver is like a ghost in Hamlet, constantly pushing his audience to find out the truth about the...

  • Missouri 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    A classic political film by Oliver Stone, although he won the Oscar for "Field Platoon" in the same year, this film is not inferior at all. El Salvador is such a hopeless country, and the emotional appeal of the film is not worse than that of "Hotel Rwanda". Stone's scheduling is also very successful. The filming uses a lot of handheld photography to simulate the battlefield environment, but it is extremely smooth, and it is indeed Stone at his...

  • Elissa 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    He is still nominated for the best male pig. It's a surprise, the film is not bad, but the role he portrays is very ordinary.. But I love watching it~...

  • Tre 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    The protagonist represents a class of innocent people who always feel that America should represent a certain spirit or a certain attitude. In fact, it's all the same. Movies that show and inspire people to understand a piece of history are good movies. Before watching this film, I didn't even know where El Salvador was. After learning about this history, I still want to say that human beings are actually all the...

Extended Reading

Salvador quotes

  • Priest: Do you follow the Catholic way

    Richard Boyle: ...Not exactly.

  • Richard Boyle: [to his captors] I hope you all get anal herpes!