Saint Maud Comments

  • Makayla 2023-02-15 03:59:17

    what a...

  • Clay 2023-01-29 14:16:07

    Photography cannot save boring...

  • Ed 2023-01-22 16:53:01

    People are dying of illness and are doing Ji Guan, you’re a crazy nun, you’re doing pistols for men and Guanyin sitting on the lotus. In this street, "Shirley", which is also included in the annual list of audiovisual and listening products, is deeper than this. The most embarrassing thing is that the literature and art are not commercial and cannot be commercial. The content is seriously insufficient, and even 84 minutes are not...

  • Milo 2023-01-08 00:40:53

    Extreme and crazy, the holy maiden's perspective is sacred and serene, the other people's perspective is ugly and painful, is it better to put the black emperor's sleep in the ending...

  • Idella 2023-01-01 21:10:36

    An ascetic woman who burns her hands and nails her feet, believes in religious disciplines and goes crazy, and exorcises ghosts with scissors and holy flames; on the importance of mental health of nurses and the evil of...

  • Korey 2022-12-23 12:16:14

    [7] Like the director’s name, Rose Glass can also be used as rose glass. The feeling the movie gives me is "rose glass", fanatical, paranoid, hysterical, fragile, wilting, and indulgent. The old propositions about religious fanaticism, about the battle between God and Satan, about the one-man show and the fiddling with the female body, seem to be more suitable for Physical theatre. Of course, there are also very vulgar parts: For example, when he feels God, Maud is as if he has experienced an...

  • Adam 2022-12-14 23:43:29

    There are two types of contemporary horror movies, A24 series and...

  • Geovany 2022-12-12 15:51:33

    75/100 The inverted and slanted shots are hints of twisting the heart. The fluid vortex is a sign of unconscious self-trapping fundamentalism. The lonely soul prays for filling from the emptiness father. After all, it is a self-deception and self-entertainment...

  • Enid 2022-12-10 05:28:23

    For the director's feature film debut, the degree of completion is good. The image of a religious fanatic is established in a short space. In the introduction of the heroine's history, a short cross-cut is used, leaving room for imagination. , the overall narrative is very effective, and what is more noteworthy is the director's image style, from lighting to photography, the divinity and darkness are mixed, some small details such as the sewer and the swirling water flow in the cup are all...

  • Nat 2022-11-14 23:42:57

    72/100. It is recommended that major film critics stop blowing up this film. Is there any difference between this film and those horror films that have gradually seemed to fly to the bright but are actually going to destruction in recent years? And even in this type of film, you don't have any special features. It's nothing more than a religious horror film that tells the story of how a woman is gradually killed by her obsessive heart. In terms of depth, it can't compare to "The Lost Family"...

Extended Reading

Saint Maud quotes

  • Maud: Never waste your pain

  • Amanda: Stay with me, I don't want to be alone...

Saint Maud

Director: Rose Glass

Language: English,Welsh Release date: February 12, 2021

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