Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi Comments

  • Brennan 2022-03-20 09:02:51

    The filming is really good, but the cutting is really not good, so it seems that there are many problems: disorderly arrangement, chaotic narrative, chaotic rhythm, chaotic mood, chaotic position... But these problems can be attributed to improper editing in the later stage, and they are all OK. Solved by editing. If I cut it, even if it can't be a Chinese masterpiece, it will be infinitely close. But even now, it was enough to make many mainland leaders...

  • Cathryn 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Perhaps due to years of hard work, it was difficult for Wei Dao to cut the film. Not to mention the lengthy and procrastination, what is more terrible is the messy and unclear center of gravity. But I still can't bear to give a bad review, at least it really shocked me a little...

  • Marques 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    After reading it, I felt mixed. The invaders brought slaughter, but at the same time they brought modern civilization to this primitive nation; when this clan massacred in the name of the blood-stained ancestor, I didn’t know that this was a way of defending the traditions of my clan. , Or a bloody slaughter that annihilated civilization. We have known since childhood that opposing the aggressor is a just act, but after watching this movie, I really don’t know what to say. It's just that the...

  • Julien 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    too poor. The plot is...

  • Gracie 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Of course, it stimulates the passion of pan-nationalism. The literary and martial arts are sincere enough. Some people are not ashamed. The shaping of the aborigines is full and hierarchical enough, and the same ethnic group has members with different perspectives, and young people who are assimilated by the day are all convincing. In contrast, the depiction of the Japanese army is still too simple and rude, although they write their own visions of the colony, and individuals are also cowardly....

  • Thalia 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Fight with enthusiasm, with eternal dignity. The dignity is the most profound aggression, and the detailed description of its process far exceeds the conceptualization of imperial aggression, duality, opposition and empty patriotic slogans, admiring primitive blood, but not avoiding the resulting Hate and barbarism. The integrity and richness of the film contrasts the distorted cynicism of "Jinling Thirteen...

  • Alexandro 2022-03-18 09:01:08

    Another director who can be blacklisted. It is not as good as Lu Chuan's control, and he doesn't have Cao Yu at hand, just showing off his...

  • Jacklyn 2022-03-18 09:01:08

    If your civilization calls us to bend our knees, then I will take you to see the barbaric...

  • Amara 2022-03-17 09:01:09

    The production is well-made, the script has tension, except that the enemy is too thin, everything else is very...

  • Angie 2022-03-17 09:01:09

    "Sedek Bale" is the most blockbuster-like blockbuster in the Chinese-language movie. The local turtles are talking about cheap sincerity but full of golden desires, talking about the feelings of vain head and brain, but they are like a copycat clown with stripped pants. Wei Desheng is sincere, has a kind of spirit, and photographed the spirit of a national epic, and he is forgiven for his inadequacies. Watching this movie will remind you of Mel Gibson's 2006 "Apocalypse." People who like...

Extended Reading

Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi quotes

  • Ichiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nomin: [Asking Jiro/Dakis Nawi before performing seppuku] Jiro, are we subjects of Japan's Mikado... , or the descendants of the Seediq ancestors?

    Jiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nawi: Do it. Cut it up and end your conflicts right here and now. We don't have to go anywhere once we're dead. Let's both be free wandering spirits.

  • Mona Rudao: There are more Japanese people than the tree leaves in the forest, than the pebbles in Jhuoshuei River. But my determination to fight them is more adamant than Mt. Chilai! If your civilization wants us to cringe, I'll show you the pride of savages!