Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi Comments

  • Silas 2022-11-20 13:34:11

    A large number of non-professional actors increase the authenticity and sense of substitution of the film, a large number of battle scenes forcefully interpret bloody and violent, and the majestic momentum of everything is...

  • Sonny 2022-10-23 00:14:36

    What a shame if you didn't win the Golden Horse, the beginning reminds me of "Apocalypse", I like...

  • Emmie 2022-10-21 22:14:41

    The foreshadowing on the top is very good, and I look forward to the next outbreak. The leader acted very well, ruthless, arrogant and...

  • Madonna 2022-10-20 00:25:48

    Under the banner of the sun, there are...

  • Colten 2022-10-15 00:47:24

    Goodbye, Director...

  • Winnifred 2022-09-19 19:32:15

    144 minutes of film. This is a masterpiece made by God.

  • Deja 2022-08-20 17:41:03

    Pretty cool, a little...

  • Vaughn 2022-03-20 09:02:51

    Many people say that this film is a contest between civilization and barbarism. But isn't civilization also a barbaric? Since human beings are advanced animals, civilization is nothing more than advanced barbarism. If civilization is not barbaric, why are there so many effective weapons that deprive life from civilization? Is there an essential difference between the killing of civilian children of the tribe by the Japanese army and the massacre of Japanese children and women by the tribe?...

  • Katrine 2022-03-20 09:02:51

    The unedited version has a weaker political orientation. The Wushe massacre arranged for mountain children to kill Japanese children. The theme of the movie is that this is a confrontation between a group of untamable beasts and...

  • Estevan 2022-03-20 09:02:51

    If your civilization allows us to live on our knees, let you see barbaric...

Extended Reading

Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi quotes

  • Ichiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nomin: [Asking Jiro/Dakis Nawi before performing seppuku] Jiro, are we subjects of Japan's Mikado... , or the descendants of the Seediq ancestors?

    Jiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nawi: Do it. Cut it up and end your conflicts right here and now. We don't have to go anywhere once we're dead. Let's both be free wandering spirits.

  • Mona Rudao: There are more Japanese people than the tree leaves in the forest, than the pebbles in Jhuoshuei River. But my determination to fight them is more adamant than Mt. Chilai! If your civilization wants us to cringe, I'll show you the pride of savages!