Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi Comments

  • Beulah 2023-03-05 19:41:12


  • Makenna 2023-02-12 17:23:11

    Although some details are still a little lacking, it is much stronger than the increasingly degenerate Hong Kong films and the mainland films that have been sinking. Taiwan's film and television has greatly improved in recent years. Adapted from the historical facts of the Wushe incident, it is worth spending four and a half hours to appreciate and understand the unknown events, both from the perspective of film and television appreciation and from the perspective of...

  • Ewald 2023-02-09 02:05:35

    Amma said I watch from the woods I walk like Sediq Bale...

  • Daphnee 2023-02-03 05:59:04

    Some scenes that I didn't understand before finally became...

  • Zack 2023-01-27 23:28:57

    There is a thick taste, every shot is very...

  • Allison 2023-01-27 00:21:28

    There are climaxes at the beginning, but unfortunately the too grand narrative structure and the director wants to express too much connotation, resulting in more and more confusion in the narrative. The first one is even...

  • Cyrus 2023-01-09 08:16:45

    A man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not...

  • Keely 2022-12-17 09:37:26

    It's beautiful, the plot is...

  • Stuart 2022-11-29 20:53:18

    Compared with "Eight Hundred", you have to express the bloody nature in a clever and mellow way, no matter how you shoot it, it will not be natural, but if you only want to express a certain spirit, express it wantonly, it will naturally be...

  • Torey 2022-11-21 21:35:25

    If your civilization makes us bow down, then I will show you barbarous...

Extended Reading

Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi quotes

  • Ichiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nomin: [Asking Jiro/Dakis Nawi before performing seppuku] Jiro, are we subjects of Japan's Mikado... , or the descendants of the Seediq ancestors?

    Jiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nawi: Do it. Cut it up and end your conflicts right here and now. We don't have to go anywhere once we're dead. Let's both be free wandering spirits.

  • Mona Rudao: There are more Japanese people than the tree leaves in the forest, than the pebbles in Jhuoshuei River. But my determination to fight them is more adamant than Mt. Chilai! If your civilization wants us to cringe, I'll show you the pride of savages!