Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi Comments

  • Lysanne 2023-09-25 18:25:34

    It has an epic feel, and the soundtrack is very catchy at the beginning. The music is the essence of this film, better than everything else. But it is really a disdainful value, constantly inciting cheap nationalism and disguised naturalism, and massacres under the guise of resisting tyranny and pursuing freedom. How many innocent souls are comparable to the Boxers. With blood, there is no calmness, objectivity, pertinence and sense of...

  • Clotilde 2023-09-12 07:23:40

    Wei Desheng's 12 years of sharpening a sword is majestic and worthy of respect, and the soundtrack is quite awesome. Compared with the procrastination of the plot caused by too much material in the second half, the first half is undoubtedly more compact and...

  • Bailey 2023-09-08 07:55:36

    What's the reason for launching an uprising that must be defeated? For...

  • Karson 2023-09-07 14:34:40

    If your civilization is to bring us to our knees, then I will show you the pride of...

  • Kellie 2023-08-19 10:14:42

    The movie is full of vigor and masculinity, which is completely different from the small freshness of the previous "Cape No. 7". The plump characters and the tight storyline are full of respect for human nature, and they never incite a kind of hatred emotionally. He also did not forget to show the dignity of a nation through the pictures, which brought tears to people's eyes. Wei Desheng - pure man! Four and a half...

  • Clifford 2023-08-10 17:26:30

    If your civilization makes us bow down, then I will show you barbarous pride!...

  • Cale 2023-07-31 21:16:01

    Technically it may not be as good as Avatar, but other things are not inferior to Braveheart, and they are Chinese,...

  • Maxine 2023-07-28 14:41:18

    If your civilization is to bring us to our knees, then show you our savage...

  • Desmond 2023-07-24 19:48:17

    Mainland directors do not have such feelings, they cannot make such...

  • Camryn 2023-06-30 06:31:35

    In the full version, there are more presentations about the world view and customs of the Seediq people, which are a lot richer and more...

Extended Reading

Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi quotes

  • Ichiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nomin: [Asking Jiro/Dakis Nawi before performing seppuku] Jiro, are we subjects of Japan's Mikado... , or the descendants of the Seediq ancestors?

    Jiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nawi: Do it. Cut it up and end your conflicts right here and now. We don't have to go anywhere once we're dead. Let's both be free wandering spirits.

  • Mona Rudao: There are more Japanese people than the tree leaves in the forest, than the pebbles in Jhuoshuei River. But my determination to fight them is more adamant than Mt. Chilai! If your civilization wants us to cringe, I'll show you the pride of savages!