Running Scared Comments

  • Dolores 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    It's another anticlimactic film, and the radio is very...

  • Lourdes 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Very consistent, but there are still...

  • Ibrahim 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    Cameron Black. This baby is...

  • Dejah 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    The screenwriter is very good at...

  • Edmond 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    If the gun is the Chinese version of the wild dog, this is the American version of the wild dog. The plot is ups and downs, and the structure, editing and special effects are...

  • Josie 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    Plot twists and turns happy...

  • Alexandro 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    A drama film based on finding objects, the plot is compact and full of tension, and people can't help but watch it with bated...

  • Tia 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    There are dazzling elements, but it is really enjoyable. At the end, there is a feeling of "To Qifeng's movie is in the...

  • Lionel 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    Hahaha I like B...

  • Kameron 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    Ingenious and...

Extended Reading

Running Scared quotes

  • Teresa Gazelle: [talking over the phone] Where the hell are you?

    Joey Gazelle: Taking care of things.

    Teresa Gazelle: Well forget about it because they picked up Oleg at a bus station with some hooker.

    Joey Gazelle: Who picked him up? The cops?

    Teresa Gazelle: Yeah.

    Joey Gazelle: Jesus Christ. This is fucking bullshit.

    Teresa Gazelle: Hey...

    Joey Gazelle: Fuck!

    Teresa Gazelle: Hey! You got Nicky with you?

    Joey Gazelle: Yeah, he's right here.

    Teresa Gazelle: Then stop using your mouth around him and bring my son home.

  • Mila Yugorsky: I was prostitute in Moscow. Yugorsky Escort Service offered to bring girls over with promise of big bucks. We would owe $50,000, you know, pay back through work. I take offer, not tell them I'm pregnant. When they find out, they insist I have an abortion. I told them no. They sent Anzor to kill me. Anzor's not a killer. He's not hard man like big Yugorsky. He thinks... he thinks he's, you know, John Wayne. Must do right thing. He goes against his uncle. He tells big man Yugorsky he will pay off my debt. His uncle refuses, tells him he will send others to kill me to set example. So Anzor make me wife. Big man Yugorsky can't kill his nephew's wife. But he tells Anzor to leave Little Odessa. He's no longer working for Yugorsky family.