Rose Red Comments

  • Eileen 2023-03-05 18:24:18

    The forced demolition of a haunted house with a large HP value by a spiritual BOSS-level...

  • Dortha 2023-02-15 10:54:59

    It's actually more than 4 hours Lorry, it's...

  • Karina 2023-02-14 01:56:45

    A bit wordy. Is this really a movie from 2002? It feels so old. I really don't like Annie's actor, so...

  • Ed 2023-02-02 08:34:16

    Joyce, the man's crazy zombie and house fused...

  • Lysanne 2023-01-01 21:58:08

    a little...

  • Jamar 2022-12-26 06:07:16

    I wiped it. Annie looked like a certain madou. This is the most scary. The more I look at it, the more horrified, it blinds my dog's eyes. The female professor is indeed 2 forced, this piece is really too...

  • Dejuan 2022-12-19 09:04:56

    Childhood Memories, First Step into Stephen King's...

  • Lukas 2022-12-09 16:45:27

    The female ghost who loves architecture keeps arresting people to help her rebuild and expand her house. Haven't read the original. More than 4 hours is not boring at all. After explaining the background of the haunted house and the character history of the main characters as clearly as possible, I can enter the main topic (long version 1408). The part from the beginning to the first night of entering the house is very good, but the second half is a bit messy, but personally I also feel that...

  • Hildegard 2022-11-26 16:49:29

    I really want to slowly sort out the details of the plot in four hours, like listening to a long but wonderful story in a warm room on a rainy day. However, the actual movie is like a scattered glass ball. There are no details worth pondering. The plot only keeps the actors running around and frightened on the surface. The unique and special abilities of each person hardly reflect much use. There is a lack of rationality and logic in many...

  • Harley 2022-11-14 00:40:09

    The texture of the film of two thousand years is the 1970s picture quality, sound effects, etc. It is completely honest and rough. The film cannot withstand scrutiny in many places, but the haunted film is still very scary or it is not a horror film for more than four hours. The film is getting better without considering its...

Extended Reading

Rose Red quotes

  • Ellen Rimbauer: How beautiful you are, Rose Red.

  • Joyce: Houses... are alive. This is something we know. News from our nerve endings. If we're quiet, if we listen, we can hear houses breath. Sometimes, in the depth of the night, you can even hear them groan. It's as if they were having bad dreams. A good house cradles and comforts, a basd one fills us with instinctive unease. Bad houses hate our warmth and our human-ness. That blind hate of our humanity is what we mean when we use the word 'haunted'.