Rocky IV Comments

  • Fredy 2022-04-20 09:01:18

    The most politically significant film in the series is also the highest-grossing film in the series. I don’t know where Stallone’s whim came from. The Soviet boxer meets the American boxer. In the duel between the two, American-style self-obscenity is too strong, especially in the final battle in Russia. After the victory, the Russians applauded and clapped their hands, which is a bit too self-climaxing?? But after reading it, I found that "Ip Man 2" has a great degree of reference After this...

  • Roel 2022-04-20 09:01:18

    This reminds me of the Asian Games gold medal...

  • Santino 2022-04-20 09:01:18

    Because of the times, this movie has obvious political overtones, self-obscenity and American-style arrogant fantasies! Connotation is the worst of the Rocky series. But the movie itself is still pretty...

  • Millie 2022-04-20 09:01:18

    The cold war factor was added, but it really made the Russians too stupid, so I deducted one...

  • Allan 2022-04-20 09:01:18

    The films of the 1980s have something to do with the Soviet Union. I was thinking that the result was really here, and then the ideology... But in the end, I like this one everybody can...

  • Dorothy 2022-03-22 09:01:22

    At 4, it becomes a sci-fi movie. . . Even during the Cold War, it was too much. ....

  • Adela 2022-03-22 09:01:22

    This episode is a bit played, but the movie episode Training Montage is very...

  • Elta 2022-03-21 09:01:24

    This main logic is not smooth, why Rocky is beaten every time. Haven't you already practiced the steps of Apollo? Apollo didn't get hit at the beginning. He used jabs to hit the Russian all the time. When he got to Rocky, he was beaten all the time...the same head as DRFT PUNK? Wear a helmet? ·This is too foreign. The routine is...

  • Janie 2022-03-21 09:01:24

    For the first time in this series, I have the urge to fast-forward. This one is so unexpected. The plot is useless, and even the boxing scene is not new. The pace that I learned for a long time in the third episode is gone. Halo won by relying on the bunker's ability to fight, and actually used a lot of old shots and repeated shots, alas, old beauty, this set again, disappointed and...

  • Evelyn 2022-03-21 09:01:24

    Almost all plots can be predicted. But the overall look is comfortable, the training part is still very good, the bass solo of the background music feels the...

Extended Reading

Rocky IV quotes

  • Commentator #1: [At the end of the Creed-Drago fight] What started out as a joke, has turned into a disaster.

  • Reporter: Drago, how does it feel to spar with the great former champion?

    [Drago mute]

    Apollo Creed: The man's tongue didn't come through customs.