Rocky III Comments

  • Elza 2023-06-25 10:12:41

    Really brothers in the same pair of pants. How wonderful it would be to have such brothers in life. The soundtrack of the film has the classic song "eyes of the tiger", and the prelude is quoted in many...

  • Jake 2023-06-22 17:34:47

    After three years of success and fame, once again lose the championship, the old people go to the newcomers, the former champions help the former champions, and then go to the top. The training of the two former boxing champions was both burning and basic. During the war, Rocky also wore Xiao Hei's Stars and Stripes underwear; each one was the most burning in the end....

  • Zaria 2023-06-09 08:29:25

    There are sympathetic sympathy of the masters...

  • Danielle 2023-06-02 23:50:31

    This villain is actually the same as Rocky. . Why make him so bad. ....

  • Aurore 2023-05-09 13:07:27

    Nima is so good looking I Grass III! ! !...

  • Angeline 2023-05-08 02:17:35

    The director, the script, and the actors have made obvious progress. They are more detailed than the first and second films, and the foreshadowing is more delicate. The three games in 99 minutes are enough to catch the eye. The climax is wave after wave, punches to the flesh, especially In the last game, the characters have grown a lot. No wonder the name Stallone has been heard from people since he was...

  • Alberto 2023-04-27 19:22:35

    There is no way to describe the characters with the same heart as the first two films, and let people go deep into the man and the predicament he faces. He has already made a decision to face the difficulties knowing that he cannot do it. The first two films, especially the first one, are very deep in Rocky. , this film has become an inspirational commercial film with routines, and everything is just scratching the...

  • Kristin 2023-04-16 01:12:46

    Looking at the story from the current point of view: Rocky defeated Apollo and became rich and handsome-was killed by Kluber, Kluber and became the champion-Rocky himself became Kluber and attacked Kluber again....

  • Napoleon 2023-04-04 02:17:06

    The story continues. The old man went first when he was older, and the first two big bosses came to be his coach. To say that every movie thinks about his family and thinks about Retired Rocky, in addition to boxing, he can also be a coach and an agent for others! The children are not young, and the wife is old. . In fact, ascending to the altar and then retiring, that is a...

  • Alexzander 2023-03-31 00:29:16

    again and again, this is called product tie...

Extended Reading

Rocky III quotes

  • Apollo Creed: Now, when you beat me, you beat me by one... ONE... second. Now do you know what something like that does to a man of my intelligence?

    Rocky Balboa: I thought you said you got over it.

    Apollo Creed: I lied.

  • Rocky Balboa: Nothing is real if you don't believe in who you are!