Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year Comments

  • Andres 2022-10-07 20:16:47

    "My grades are low, not my IQ"--a cliché salesman's inspirational story, suitable for those with poor grades or poor eloquence to watch. There are occasional highlights in the...

  • Darrion 2022-09-24 11:17:52

    Although it is a little idealized, this is called a career record. Compared with it, Du Lala is called a god...

  • Johathan 2022-09-07 22:00:39

    no dancing? I've never seen it so big! The movie is inspirational but not old-fashioned at all, at least it is successful! In addition, he has too many headscarves, and the colors are richer than the other~~~~~ They are quite diligent in changing them~ (It’s a movie! It’s not a...

  • Malachi 2022-09-07 21:23:27

    Indians make movies so fucking...

  • Einar 2022-09-07 19:15:38

    I just remember that the turban is very technical and red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and...

  • Wiley 2022-09-07 18:05:53

    I found that the subject matter of Indian movies is very rich. The first half of the episode is about young people's entrepreneurship. The ending is more dreamy. It's an inspirational...

  • Serenity 2022-09-07 15:53:51

    You see numbers, I see people, when people are happy, numbers will naturally go up. An unforgettable...

Extended Reading

Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year quotes

  • Harpreet Singh Bedi: Even Spiderman has to take risks. At least I'm a salesman.

  • Sunil Puri: I'm giving you an offer of a lifetime.

    Harpreet Singh Bedi: Oh, so you sell phone cards as well?