Road Kill Comments

  • Theron 2023-04-22 20:50:51

    Really nothing to see,...

  • Brionna 2023-04-10 05:22:20

    In fact, when the title party saw the title, it felt that this must not be a high-quality film....

  • Ottilie 2023-04-04 00:10:13

    The scenery is really beautiful but the plot is too...

  • Kaylee 2023-04-01 06:02:08

    The movie sucks, but the shots are...

  • Edd 2023-03-28 19:34:50

    What a lousy movie, it's all about trucks and loops powered by human blood, but the director...

  • Destin 2023-03-16 10:03:25

    In fact, this film is quite boring, but the picture is so beautiful, and the heroine is also very attractive, so I give it to...

  • Lionel 2023-02-26 10:49:46

    (⊙o⊙)… I didn’t finish it. . I don't want to watch it. ....

  • Margarita 2023-02-25 17:07:41


  • Raphael 2023-02-19 20:12:27

    I don't understand...but if there is a handsome pot, it will be...

  • Heath 2023-02-19 05:41:53

    Nima! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I wipe! ! ! ! ! ! !...

Extended Reading

Road Kill quotes

  • Liz: What if they're waiting for us?

    Marcus: Or maybe they just kept going like they didn't give a shit.

  • Craig: We're going to have a morning tea and chat with our truck driver.

    Nina: Are you serious? They just tried to kill us and now you're going to go ask for help? What happened to never leaving your vehicle?

    Craig: Look if we need advice from 101 things to do in the outback we'll let you know.

    Nina: But it just rammed us up the arse like we weren't even there? What the fuck are these truck drivers taking? Seriously where would they go?