Rio Grande Comments

  • Raina 2022-10-21 19:15:25

    In the story structure of the main theme, all kinds of affection and warmth such as couples, fathers and sons, brothers, and friends in the frontier barracks are integrated. The field of vision is wide, and several heavyweight horse battles are well shot; the happy and happy parachute of the heroine at the end is really a stroke of genius, which is the tune of my porridge...

  • Hailee 2022-10-14 23:12:00

    The duke is very young, and the mustache is so...

  • Alexzander 2022-10-14 22:50:33

    Worthy, John Wayne's beard is so handsome that he's delirious! Good performance! Facial expressions and small movements convey a lot of moving details. The plot is too sloppy, and many frivolous comedy elements also make the film look "commercial", but I feel that the director has done well in everything he wants to show. , and the second is the folk culture rooted in the people in the cavalry, which reminds me of the kind of attachment to the people and simple poetry that I saw when I read...

  • Schuyler 2022-10-14 19:51:24

    Except for the slightly cramped story pattern, there is nothing to fault, a masterpiece! Amazing use of light! In the private Ford list, it is completely possible to enter the top...

  • Ottilie 2022-10-14 14:24:07

    The final chapter of the cavalry trilogy, Monument Valley restores the real scene. The characters all have positive and warm-hearted values, family members separated by the north-south partition (of course, the frontier river guarded by Wayne is also a metaphorical extension of the family gap), the son who escaped from his comfort zone in search of glorious values, and a high degree of respect And a loving couple. The music undoubtedly adds a lot of sadness to the film, especially the poetic...

  • Sam 2022-10-14 13:08:13

    This one is so...

  • Maynard 2022-10-14 13:04:06

    In the pedigree of JF's works, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, with a bit of an American theme, but Wayne's moustache image is quite...

Extended Reading

Rio Grande quotes

  • Gen. Philip Sheridan: I'm going to issue you an order and give it to you personally. I want you to cross the Rio Grande, hit the Apache and burn him out. I'm tired of hit-and-run. I'm sick of diplomatic hide-and-seek.

  • [York plans the rescue of children held prisoner by Apaches]

    Lt. Col. Kirby York: Is it dark enough for you to get in there?

    Trooper Travis Tyree: With two men I pick, sir.

    Lt. Col. Kirby York: Two men you pick? I know you're a excellent judge of horse flesh, Trooper Tyree. You proved that when you stole my horse. But how are you as a judge of men for a dangerous mission?

    Trooper Travis Tyree: I consider myself a good judge of men I trust, sir.