Rio Grande Comments

  • Connie 2023-03-06 09:45:27

    Essential John Ford, Essential Westerns, Essential Early...

  • Trenton 2023-02-23 19:05:02

    It felt like Wayne alone took down the...

  • Herminio 2023-02-18 22:17:48

    John Ford's family ethics film, the story is slightly poor, and the scheduling of several cavalry assaults is still...

  • Marianna 2023-02-01 20:16:43

    Maureen felt a bit of a rage. This pair is very special, try to watch all...

  • Chase 2023-01-16 19:18:15

    the Rios Grande pueblos already existed when the United States acquired sovereignty over New Mexico in 1848. Although they at that time became part of the United States the pueblo lands never formally constituted a part of federal public...

  • Lyla 2023-01-12 19:25:45

    A very typical Ford Western, the story is a bit cliché, but the tone is very relaxed, and it is not tiring to watch, but I just don't understand why it is necessary to call a general's success, it doesn't seem to be so tragic. It's interesting that most of the characters in Ford's films are male, and the stories are full of masculinity, but in such an environment full of male hormones, there are always one or two female characters who are responsible for creating the atmosphere of tenderness...

  • Idella 2023-01-03 03:21:09

    #Supplementary cavalry trilogy final chapter, a pair of stubborn father and son, lonely and cold captain, growing young cavalry, reconciliation between father and son. Madam is so...

  • Wayne 2022-12-29 02:44:54

    7/10. The relationship between Captain York and his wife and son is an important auxiliary line in the film. Along with the beating in the military camp and the thawing of the relationship between the husband and wife from mutual indifference to mutual care, it adds a relatively stable family yearning to the narrative of the travel structure. The purposeful plots such as the search, the birth of the hero, and the meritorious deeds strictly follow the model of the hero myth. The son's dashing...

  • Olen 2022-12-28 23:02:03

    Western-themed, medium-light plot, no intense contradictions... The arrow in the right chest, you hang your arm... I was shocked, I thought it was hung...

  • Eino 2022-12-20 16:39:53

    Tencent video to watch, this film is the last part of John Ford's cavalry trilogy, all of which are main theme...

Extended Reading

Rio Grande quotes

  • Gen. Philip Sheridan: I'm going to issue you an order and give it to you personally. I want you to cross the Rio Grande, hit the Apache and burn him out. I'm tired of hit-and-run. I'm sick of diplomatic hide-and-seek.

  • [York plans the rescue of children held prisoner by Apaches]

    Lt. Col. Kirby York: Is it dark enough for you to get in there?

    Trooper Travis Tyree: With two men I pick, sir.

    Lt. Col. Kirby York: Two men you pick? I know you're a excellent judge of horse flesh, Trooper Tyree. You proved that when you stole my horse. But how are you as a judge of men for a dangerous mission?

    Trooper Travis Tyree: I consider myself a good judge of men I trust, sir.

Rio Grande

Director: John Ford

Language: English Release date: November 15, 1950