Revolution Comments

  • Elenora 2022-09-15 08:03:09

    Half a star to The Godfather II, and 1.5 stars to the beautiful heroine Natasha....

  • Anabel 2022-07-07 23:33:53

    Only after watching Eisenstein's October did I know where the seemingly shocking beginning of this "Revolution" came from. . This movie is very strange, not to say that the Revolutionary War cannot be said from such a very personal point of view, but that its position is too vague, giving people a feeling of evading important things. The re-cut version even cut out the long shot of the last reunion, which is even more confusing. Pacino suffered two serious pneumonias after filming this...

  • Erna 2022-07-07 17:32:42

    I can only give three stars for Pacino's brain-damaged fans = =, which is not good-looking in the literal sense. The character Kinsky was content to withdraw from the story at the moment of emotional confirmation, and it was quite frustrating. The hallucinatory person she inexplicably fell in love with realized her hallucination. From being a wise man to take the initiative to revolutionize, it is the logic of "official forcing the people to rebel". The British took pictures, and they have to...

  • Brooke 2022-07-07 17:21:23

    It is also the American Revolutionary War, the same small people, and the same affectionate father-son relationship. Al Pacino's "Revolution" is obviously not as powerful as Mel Gibson's "Patriot", and the climax is not enough, but " "Patriot" is too Hollywood, very "main theme", full of the patriotic spirit of the American people, but "Revolution" is a lot more thoughtful. For ordinary people, what does revolution...

  • Jaiden 2022-07-07 14:27:58

    The motive for the revolution was never the hypocrites' promises of democratic freedoms, but down to the individual's family honor or hatred. The reason that drove the civilian Al Pacino to stand on Washington's side was firstly the life and death of the only blood relatives and secondly the British colonial army against them. The evil done is finally a response to Daisy and her son's pure and stupid loyalty to the Revolutionary War. Although the love scene is blunt and epic and the plot is...

  • Alejandra 2022-07-07 12:40:25

    The director was the one who filmed Chariots of Fire, so he was stuffed with nonsense stuff. In addition, Jinski can't act, she can act casually and hard, and she will stop when she plays emotional...

Extended Reading

Revolution quotes

  • Ned Dobb: Congress? I heard they fight a lot.

  • [last lines]

    Tom Dobb: We're going to find us a place. Where they ain't no one to bow down to. Where they ain't no Lord or Lady better than you. Where you can say what you like - and climb as high as you want. And they ain't - nobody gonna treat no one like a dog in the dirt. I look around me, Ned, and I see all kinds of people. Men and women. And they got families like mine. And we stand together, like brothers and sisters. And we make for ourselves. We make a place - where our babies can sleep safe through the night.


Director: Hugh Hudson

Language: English Release date: December 25, 1985

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