Requiem for the American Dream Comments

  • Zelma 2023-09-26 08:08:11

    Chomsky believes that the current state of the United States is the result of the concentration of wealth and power, which is derived from the practice of society by 10 principles: reduce democracy; shape ideology; redesign economy; shift burden; attach solidarity; run regulators; engineer elections; keep rabbits in line; rmanufacture consent; marginalize the...

  • Chelsea 2023-09-22 11:13:36

    "Professionals such as lawyers, doctors, and university professors are protected to form a relatively stable middle class. They will also be unemployed, but their income is relatively high, and the possibility of rebuilding their lives is very high. However, the working class is not protected. Once unemployed They will be...

  • Johanna 2023-09-22 09:57:14

    Chomsky really...

  • Moshe 2023-09-09 01:02:01

    Chomsky's wise and rational voice is particularly valuable in the current extreme emotional political ecology of the United States. Regardless of political beliefs, based on facts, objective and rational discussion and speculation should ultimately be the right way to solve...

  • Karelle 2023-08-27 11:45:51

    An American Left's argument, while a bit alarmist, is real and could happen in the...

  • Trycia 2023-08-19 13:29:30

    hard to understand, let alone comment, but American really seems unwell in recent years, it is falling, or just a trough, let's wait and...

  • Marlen 2023-07-27 11:39:01

    The 10 principles of the concentration of power and wealth: dispel democracy, shape ideas, restructure the economy, transfer burdens, disrupt unity, manipulate supervision, manipulate elections, restrain the bottom, create identity, and marginalize the masses. Chomsky should join GCD. The Subtitle Group of the House of Documentaries. The Wealth of Nations, Political Science, Powell Memorandum, The Crisis of...

  • Maud 2023-07-27 10:00:05

    New Left leaders still miss the 1960s in America. Most impressive: In order to prevent the formation of a "tyranny of the majority" type of democracy, James Madison believed that there should be a preference for placing power in the hands of the rich. Therefore, the American constitutional system was originally designed to prevent the expansion of democratic power. Chomsky does not agree with the "anti-American" title given to him by others. He thinks it is a term only used by totalitarian...

  • Jayme 2023-07-22 02:02:17

    Humanity has entered a predicament, that is, it cannot stand the conservative rule of the past and has no power to control the effect of liberal reforms. Only live in advertising or...

  • Tatum 2023-07-19 06:23:33

    The old man is really not...

Extended Reading

Requiem for the American Dream quotes

  • [first lines]

    Noam Chomsky: During the Great Depression, which I'm old enough to remember, and when most of my family was unemployed working class, it was bad, much worse objectively than today. But there was an expectation that things were going to get better. There was a real sense of hopefulness. - There isn't today.

  • Noam Chomsky: Keep workers insecure and keep them under control, and they're not going to ask for decent wages or decent working conditions, or the right of free association, meaning unionizing. Now for the masters of mankind that's fine. They make their profits. But for the population it's devastating.