Requiem for a Dream Comments

  • Madisyn 2022-11-24 15:07:21

    This drug movie is so well done, a circle is rotten because of drugs, just like Harry's hands. As long as one person in the circle is on drugs, his limbs must be amputated or he will rot. And the dubbing of the movie, it's really speechless!...

  • Alexander 2022-10-15 09:42:21

    I thought it was either a worldly and blatantly fierce, or an unreasonable gesture, or full of unbearable imagination... Although I have been limited by countless bloody violent pornography... The camera has blinded my eyes for many years, but I still carry this I was curious and prepared to let the movie smear my eyes, and finally I found that it was me who had fucked its original inner beauty with such a dirty thought. After watching it, it's like dying once, the best editing...

  • Harley 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    When a movie achieves spiritual pollution and spiritual cleansing at the same time, it is either a masterpiece or a banned...

  • Elsie 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    This movie is also very good, worthy of imdb N0.58. In fact, this is a main theme movie that tells the dangers of drugs through the experiences of four people. The shots are switched with a mesmerizing electronic soundtrack, with a strong sense of rhythm. In the second half of the film, the four protagonists are terminally ill because of drugs. You see your life disappearing like this, and you feel extremely cruel and shocking, which is also a test of your inner endurance. Thinking back to the...

  • Anibal 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    For the first time, I felt that the emotions on the screen can be injected into your nerves. Desires and illusions are all terrifyingly real. The editing and music make you shudder like you've been through a drug addiction, the rhythm is relaxed, and the last three torrents come together to hit you, so my scalp goes numb...

  • Ethyl 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    Is it the sadness of medicine, or the sadness of life, or, life is...

  • Clay 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    Sure enough, I downloaded 720P and finished it very smoothly. Poor people who need to ingest things that hurt their body to continue...

  • Lexi 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    From the weird use of the camera to the crying sound in the BGM to the beautiful and heavy violin sound, it makes you feel like you and the characters are struggling with drug addiction and drug addiction. The last four are all curled up in the same baby position in their own lonely narrow bed. There is no possibility of liberation unless it is reborn from the mother's...

  • Easton 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    After watching "Black Swan", I quickly watched the director's earlier film, which is an absolute masterpiece. It's creepy and can't watch it a second...

  • Alysha 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    Cut a knife without leaving any room, and then poked at the wound and said that the spoiler who was in charge of writing the synopsis, stand up for me! Foshan's shadowless feet ha da da...

Extended Reading

Requiem for a Dream quotes

  • Sara Goldfarb: I'm walkin' across the stage! And you should see my Harry on television. We're giving the prizes away.

    [bursting into tears]

    Sara Goldfarb: I just wanted to be on the show!

  • Harry Goldfarb: [Waking up after his arm was amputated] Marion? Marion?

    Angelic Nurse: It's all right. Don't worry, you're in a hospital.

    Harry Goldfarb: Marion?

    Angelic Nurse: Who's that? She'll be sent for, she'll come.

    Harry Goldfarb: No.

    Angelic Nurse: No?

    Harry Goldfarb: No... she won't.

    Angelic Nurse: [confidently] She'll come.

    Harry Goldfarb: [Crying] No, she...