Replicas Comments

  • Duane 2022-04-23 07:03:38

    There is no reversal, the rules are placed in the middle, the plot is weak, and there are too many similar themes. The cloning technology researched by the male protagonist all ended in failure. After the only resurrection, he abused himself and was unplugged from the power supply. The male protagonist and his family went to H, and they were fine when they encountered a big truck on the rainy road. Later, the female protagonist was rushed to death by a fallen tree. Going down the hillside into...

  • Jaleel 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Just can't help but sigh the connection between reality and...

  • Reyna 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Excessive interpretation is misinterpretation. Keanu is really not suitable for the role of both good and evil. It sucks to leave a sequel hook on...

  • Roxane 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Thinking of the composition title "If Memory Can Be Transplanted" in the college entrance examination that year, this film realized this dream with extremely rude and bug-ridden means. The brain hole opened up and we were stunned for a while. There are many plots without sequelae. For sci-fi films, the concept is not hard at all, and the special effects are even more lackluster. Maybe everyone can’t bear to give bad comments because of Levi’s life experience. The biggest contribution is...

  • Allison 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Neo, if only you could resurrect...

  • Layla 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    As a science fiction film, logic should be put in the first place to go smoothly. . . The screenwriter of this film is...

  • Hermann 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    This idea of ​​cloning people still makes...

  • Casey 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Is there a discussion of humanity? No. Are there moving feelings? No. Are there any nervous movements? No. Have cool tech? No. Are there any twists and turns?...

  • Orland 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Gay Levi's can only play this kind of B-movie to connect the schedule?...

  • Ruby 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    The male protagonist turned out to be the male protagonist of The Matrix, and his acting skills are still...

Extended Reading

Replicas quotes

  • Will Foster: How does it feel?

  • Will Foster: We're the sum total of what has happened to us and how we've processed it. That's what makes us us. It's all neurochemistry.

    Mona: Do you really believe that?... That's all I am? Your children? Just pathways, electrical signals, and chemistry? You have kids that love you and a wife that adores you, and we have a scientist.