Repentance Comments

  • Carter 2023-02-03 06:05:46

    The use of corpses as an entry point is unique, the irony is straightforward enough, and the setting of a few dreams is quite interesting. There are two most interesting places. The woman who symbolizes the goddess of justice is being led away just by the audience. A group of people carry the corpse to test whether the surrounding high wall is firm and safe. It's just that the length is too long, and the sense of verbosity is too heavy and too obvious. Stories like this are not uncommon, but...

  • Dayne 2023-02-02 13:56:14

    A challenge to "authority", or rather a declaration of...

  • Lorenz 2023-01-30 01:57:56

    Ablazee is really cool. The image of a dictator refers to several people. Last line: "Is this road leading to the church?" "The church is gone." "There is no church, so what's the point of this...

  • Scarlett 2023-01-26 19:45:12

    Kind of obscure to...

  • Verda 2023-01-22 12:23:31

    Presenting real history with absurd and bizarre stories is embarrassing. It is a European country after all, religion is always a force, and in the face of death, the past becomes heavy and provokes thinking. Self-examination, the stability of the soul, etc. will always come to mind. The threshold of death is not easy for them to cross, and repentance is therefore one of the inevitable...

  • Heath 2023-01-21 16:28:43

    1. The loftiness of ancestors has become suspicious, the bright memory of the family (nation) is actually just filth, beliefs are in danger of collapse, a sense of disillusionment about the value of faith spreads and invades, and the shadow of history finally kills offspring; 2. The oligarchs are only A totalitarian puppet, and so are the people, collectively lost under ideology, fanatical irrationality is the label of a group, and it is easy to incite revolutionary madness and violent desire....

  • Davonte 2022-11-29 12:40:50

    It was dug up again and again after death, looking back on the dictator's reign. A bit...

  • Lorena 2022-11-14 13:42:25

    ~"Because the unbelievers think only about death when they are...

  • Wade 2022-11-09 09:01:32

    Slag subtitles affect the look and...

  • Arielle 2022-10-24 00:59:21

    Bold satire, but wrapped in a lengthy story that makes the sharp questioning dull, the film would be remembered if the Soviet Union hadn't collapsed...

Extended Reading

Repentance quotes

  • Nino Barateli: Esteemed Varlam, will you sing again? Sing something else, please. Don't refuse, please, dear Varlam!

    Varlam Aravidze: With great pleasure. Tired with all these, for restful death I cry: as, to behold desert a beggar born, and needy nothing trimm'd in jollity, and purest faith unhappily forsworn, and gilded honour shamefully misplaced, and maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, and right perfection wrongfully disgraced, and strength by limping sway disabled, and art made tongue-tied by authority, and folly, doctor-like, controlling skill, and simple truth miscall'd simplicity, and captive good attending captain ill. William Shakespeare. Sonnet 66. A regimen is a regimen.

  • Mikheil Koresheli: I understand, but this is not an argument for the letter's authors.

    Varlam Aravidze: Maybe the artist's talent isn't a strong argument for them either? They have in mind his stand.

    Mikheil Koresheli: What are you talking about? Talent is kindness, and that's already a stand!

    Varlam Aravidze: I understand that Sandro Barateli is your friend and pupil.By the way, do you know that he's my relative?

    Mikheil Koresheli: No... I didn't know that.

    Varlam Aravidze: Even a close relative. Write a protest, esteemed Mikhail. Barateli is arrested, but he's not convicted. I was just executing the people's will, masses stand behind that letter. And each word coming from the masses is the holy of holies for me. Write a protest, esteemed Mikhail.

    Mikheil Koresheli: To write a protest?

    Varlam Aravidze: Yes, I have nothing against it.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Wait, wait... What do you mean, "nothing against it"? What can you possibly have against the truth?

    Varlam Aravidze: The truth? Nothing.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Well, I'll write it!

    Varlam Aravidze: Go ahead, write it. But take that letter into account, too.

    Mikheil Koresheli: What does that letter, that filth have to do with it? That provocation?

    Varlam Aravidze: Not a provocation, but a document registered in thousands of places.

    Mikheil Koresheli: I don't care where it's registered.

    Varlam Aravidze: You're wrong, esteemed Mikhail. It's my duty to take the position of the majority, for the majority decides.

    Mikheil Koresheli: What majority? What are you talking about? One man of reason outweighs a thousand idiots.

    Varlam Aravidze: I understand that you're talking about me.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Stand up for him. Defending one person is not such a big deal.

    Varlam Aravidze: But remember, as the letter's authors see it, you're protecting the enemy. Yes, your friend and my relative is our enemy now. And we are his victims.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Who is the enemy? Who is the enemy?