Repentance Comments

  • Aurelia 2023-07-11 02:29:48

    The true exposure of the horrific dictatorship during the Stalin period is an elegy on the eve of the disintegration of the socialist Soviet Union, but the preaching is too strong, and religious preaching is better than political preaching. The extreme symbolism of the protagonist, the great dictator, is the first crime of blasphemy and the second is high-pressure rule. The photography techniques and staging arrangements are very particular. Deeply influenced by the "poetry film" trend of...

  • Charlene 2023-07-02 06:01:36

    The unbeliever thinks only of death when he is...

  • Gwendolyn 2023-06-24 12:32:55

    As long as you are defending him, he is not dead and still corrupts the world. He is the real Almighty...

  • Helmer 2023-06-08 13:23:53

    More than 30 years later, "Repentance" should be a sequel. The plot is as follows: After the old leadership system was overthrown, the town's economy was soon controlled by foreign capitalists and religious leaders. People are unemployed and living in poverty and poverty, and the law and order is getting worse and worse, and there are hooligans everywhere. Hungry people took to the streets, demanding food. As a result, they were greeted by foreign capitalists and thugs from religious leaders...

  • Winston 2023-06-06 19:15:27

    At the end of the film, an old woman asks the woman who is considered a lunatic: "Is this road leading to the church?" "The church is gone." "There is no church, so what's the point of this road?" The vista of the old woman staggering forward ended like a...

  • Lesly 2023-06-02 20:52:40

    35mins haven't entered the crime summary...I'm...

  • Rebecca 2023-05-28 06:48:31

    I still don't know that Confucius and his old man made a speech about catching cats in black houses. However, every time I watch this kind of ancient film with mixed styles, the most interesting moments are these strange lines and pictures that make people tilt their heads, frown, and twitch their...

  • Hollie 2023-05-16 22:43:49

    The expression of reality, surrealism, and dreams, and the communication of cultural meaning under the shell of political background, are not only buried in the dead body, but the deep grief behind it is hard to digest. The audiovisual expression is too...

  • Marques 2023-03-28 07:31:36

    MUBI & pure English subtitles, fortunately, the script provided by Dou Youyou was able to be read smoothly. The dream and imaginary parts are beautifully shot, absurd and crazy. The cries of the gravediggers in the courtroom shocked the tiger's body: "Of course he is still alive! As long as you continue to protect him, he will continue to dismember this...

  • Jada 2023-03-23 23:45:31

    The basement confession is surreal and the dialogue is brilliant. Looking for the stakes reminds me of the old...

Extended Reading

Repentance quotes

  • Nino Barateli: Esteemed Varlam, will you sing again? Sing something else, please. Don't refuse, please, dear Varlam!

    Varlam Aravidze: With great pleasure. Tired with all these, for restful death I cry: as, to behold desert a beggar born, and needy nothing trimm'd in jollity, and purest faith unhappily forsworn, and gilded honour shamefully misplaced, and maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, and right perfection wrongfully disgraced, and strength by limping sway disabled, and art made tongue-tied by authority, and folly, doctor-like, controlling skill, and simple truth miscall'd simplicity, and captive good attending captain ill. William Shakespeare. Sonnet 66. A regimen is a regimen.

  • Mikheil Koresheli: I understand, but this is not an argument for the letter's authors.

    Varlam Aravidze: Maybe the artist's talent isn't a strong argument for them either? They have in mind his stand.

    Mikheil Koresheli: What are you talking about? Talent is kindness, and that's already a stand!

    Varlam Aravidze: I understand that Sandro Barateli is your friend and pupil.By the way, do you know that he's my relative?

    Mikheil Koresheli: No... I didn't know that.

    Varlam Aravidze: Even a close relative. Write a protest, esteemed Mikhail. Barateli is arrested, but he's not convicted. I was just executing the people's will, masses stand behind that letter. And each word coming from the masses is the holy of holies for me. Write a protest, esteemed Mikhail.

    Mikheil Koresheli: To write a protest?

    Varlam Aravidze: Yes, I have nothing against it.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Wait, wait... What do you mean, "nothing against it"? What can you possibly have against the truth?

    Varlam Aravidze: The truth? Nothing.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Well, I'll write it!

    Varlam Aravidze: Go ahead, write it. But take that letter into account, too.

    Mikheil Koresheli: What does that letter, that filth have to do with it? That provocation?

    Varlam Aravidze: Not a provocation, but a document registered in thousands of places.

    Mikheil Koresheli: I don't care where it's registered.

    Varlam Aravidze: You're wrong, esteemed Mikhail. It's my duty to take the position of the majority, for the majority decides.

    Mikheil Koresheli: What majority? What are you talking about? One man of reason outweighs a thousand idiots.

    Varlam Aravidze: I understand that you're talking about me.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Stand up for him. Defending one person is not such a big deal.

    Varlam Aravidze: But remember, as the letter's authors see it, you're protecting the enemy. Yes, your friend and my relative is our enemy now. And we are his victims.

    Mikheil Koresheli: Who is the enemy? Who is the enemy?