Ready to Wear Comments

  • Weston 2022-10-23 03:57:54

    120304, the arte station is playing now. But it's already half done. Here is the replay link:

  • Novella 2022-10-22 07:14:45

    A black entertainment comedy that gathers a lot of heads. It is beauty or brilliance, absurdity or glitz, fashion show and human...

  • Danielle 2022-10-17 23:35:25

    Although the signature style is still so dazzling and the fashion theme is so dazzling, this is really the most confusing, empty, unsustainable, and stale group play of the Ultraman...

  • Donato 2022-10-17 15:52:13

    It's unbearably bad, what do you want to say. ....

  • Kyle 2022-10-17 15:24:05

    On the other hand, the cranberry soundtrack is a confused naked ass. A bride with a big belly came up on the stage. What she said before is a mess. I don’t understand...

  • Angel 2022-10-17 13:54:56

    The rhythm is slow and there are many characters, so the front line is drawn relatively long, and many lines are intertwined loosely. The director didn't care much about the audience's perception, just presented some absurd things very realistically, and the audience should try their best to keep...

  • Einar 2022-10-17 13:51:15

    Four are for the film itself, and the last one is for...

Extended Reading

Ready to Wear quotes

  • [last lines]

    [dialog is not as loud as the song and is difficult to follow]

    Assistant to Milo: Trying to


    Assistant to Milo: one is bigger than the other one.

    Milo O'Brannigan: OK, go on. Put the diapers on the kids, will you?

    Baby: Mama!

    Milo O'Brannigan: Come on, Winnie. All right. I guess just about here is about right, okay. Try it there.

    Assistant to Milo: [unintelligible]

    Milo O'Brannigan: [overlapping] Okay?

    Milo O'Brannigan: Hi, sweetie.

    Assistant to Milo: The shadow or - and the sun? I know.

    Milo O'Brannigan: Okay, let's go. Got it. Here, here.

    Assistant to Milo: [unintelligible]

    [shutter clicking several times]

  • Sergei: Don't turn around. Don't look at me. It's Sergio. Your Sergio. How much time has gone by? You're more beautiful than ever. I thought you were convinced that I was dead. How many years? 40? 42? How old were you?

    Isabella de la Fontaine: Maybe 16 years old?

    Sergei: 18, I think.

    Isabella de la Fontaine: I was 15.

    Sergei: You were my child bride.

    Isabella de la Fontaine: We really were husband and wife

    Sergei: [I remember] *not translated in subtitles*

    Isabella de la Fontaine: And then - You left for Moscow on our wedding night.

    Sergei: We were Communists. Remember?

    Isabella de la Fontaine: You were a Communist. I was only 14 years old.

Ready to Wear

Director: Robert Altman

Language: English,French,Italian,Russian,Spanish Release date: December 25, 1994