Ready to Wear Comments

  • Johnathan 2023-06-05 02:45:06

    The lines are shallow, the laughs are general, and the mess is a mess. Ultraman's satirical comedy tailored for the fashion industry, no matter how much effort is spent, it will be too much to give face to this nihilistic industry. It's a pity that the old-fashioned old man of the film review couldn't get it, and he only wanted to lew the nostalgic scene of Roland's undressing. But then again, we can't let too many people have ideas, otherwise consumerism will suffer and directly endanger the...

  • Benedict 2023-06-03 15:12:52

    Looking at Ultraman's extreme narrative, it's not a bit of a...

  • Catharine 2023-05-29 11:02:09

    I watched it back then, and it was generally very average. Except for the models with big belly, I only remember the scene where the last bunch of models appeared naked, which was a bit shocking and shocking, and unequivocally put the new emperor of the red fruit on the fashion industry. clothing...

  • Beaulah 2023-05-23 22:24:33

    From the cast and the script, we can see the director's ambition at the beginning. Is it a masterpiece that has been neglected?...

  • Luther 2023-05-15 06:01:31

    It was a mess from start to finish and the viewing experience was...

  • Eldora 2023-05-14 21:18:01

    There are many things that people inside the circle understand at a glance, but those outside the circle may not want to...

  • Lola 2023-05-14 04:24:21

    I don't know why the score is low, but it's a fun...

  • Ona 2023-05-11 20:38:41

    Why are there so many big Italians in...

  • Nels 2023-05-04 15:36:41

    It's good, the scheduling is not difficult to pick, the irony is very strong, Mastroianni is still so...

  • Trent 2023-05-01 05:19:24

    All kinds of dazzling ah. . . Marcello-style classic French-Italian mixed humor never...

Extended Reading

Ready to Wear quotes

  • [last lines]

    [dialog is not as loud as the song and is difficult to follow]

    Assistant to Milo: Trying to


    Assistant to Milo: one is bigger than the other one.

    Milo O'Brannigan: OK, go on. Put the diapers on the kids, will you?

    Baby: Mama!

    Milo O'Brannigan: Come on, Winnie. All right. I guess just about here is about right, okay. Try it there.

    Assistant to Milo: [unintelligible]

    Milo O'Brannigan: [overlapping] Okay?

    Milo O'Brannigan: Hi, sweetie.

    Assistant to Milo: The shadow or - and the sun? I know.

    Milo O'Brannigan: Okay, let's go. Got it. Here, here.

    Assistant to Milo: [unintelligible]

    [shutter clicking several times]

  • Sergei: Don't turn around. Don't look at me. It's Sergio. Your Sergio. How much time has gone by? You're more beautiful than ever. I thought you were convinced that I was dead. How many years? 40? 42? How old were you?

    Isabella de la Fontaine: Maybe 16 years old?

    Sergei: 18, I think.

    Isabella de la Fontaine: I was 15.

    Sergei: You were my child bride.

    Isabella de la Fontaine: We really were husband and wife

    Sergei: [I remember] *not translated in subtitles*

    Isabella de la Fontaine: And then - You left for Moscow on our wedding night.

    Sergei: We were Communists. Remember?

    Isabella de la Fontaine: You were a Communist. I was only 14 years old.

Ready to Wear

Director: Robert Altman

Language: English,French,Italian,Russian,Spanish Release date: December 25, 1994