Rams Comments

  • Freddy 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    All the hatred was hidden in the lonely eyes when he learned that his brother's sheep had won the championship, and all the love was also contained in a cotton blanket covering the frozen brother. Smart as a director, he won't tell you why the two brothers haven't said a word for 40 years, but show you the yellowed photo of the childhood riding a sheep together at home. The art of white space is also reflected in the grim photography and soundtrack. The brothers who finally embraced naked seem...

  • Lori 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    Minimalist movies carry from extreme cruelty to extreme...

  • Hester 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    I feel that only the people in the north can think about these plots every...