Queen of Earth Comments

  • Shawna 2022-11-05 12:30:58

    Full marks for sensory experience and psychological oppression, all the emotions in this world are so similar, unspoken love and unspoken...

  • Angela 2022-11-04 07:51:06

    This is a very hypocritical girlfriend...

  • Rosella 2022-11-03 13:52:16

    Depressed, treacherous, and nameless. The whole film is supported by acting skills, and the soundtrack and shots are amazing in several places. The only test is patience! Friendship is scarier than love once...

  • Zackary 2022-10-26 00:43:19

    If it weren't for the unsmooth network, the viewing experience would have been better. Listening to the OST with headphones is even more bizarre. Coupled with the excellent performances of the two heroines, you can always find lines that resonate, which is very impressive. Flashback clips also subtly reveal the past of the two, setting the stage for what happened in the closed cabin. Jealousy and suspicion are all important components of friendship between girls, and sometimes they are too...

  • Clementine 2022-10-19 00:40:07

    Waited for more than a year, wait for this? Only photography is...

  • Pearlie 2022-10-14 03:35:16

    There were indeed a few stunning moments of thunder on the ground, and the story took a lot of lessons from "Masquerade". The acting and soundtrack are excellent, and love is always something moving and thrilling at the same...

  • Joyce 2022-10-11 23:06:59

    [4] The means of creating the atmosphere are too powerful. The soundtrack and superb scheduling make the whole film wrapped in a high-intensity thriller. In the space, physical separation of windows, doors, walls, etc. is used to further compress the activity space of the characters, and at the same time block the sight of the camera-eyes. In conjunction with the characters' words, expressions and limbs, it is an extremely oppressive and strange...

  • Fernando 2022-10-08 23:36:44

    The process of a broken woman torturing her girlfriend and herself is very curious, how can anyone want to watch this film in a movie theater, after all, there can’t be fast...

  • Guiseppe 2022-10-08 22:25:23

    The particularly obvious feeling of "Cold Blood Horror", the trance state of mind, the thrilling and tense music, and the scene where one hand is stretched out also correspond; the subtle mentality between the two women is intimate and suspicious, precise and delicate, to the characters The speculation that the heart is on the verge of collapse is extremely vivid; after reading it in the afternoon, it is as if I wake up from a nap in the corridor and I have not sweated, and my dream is also an...

  • Carleton 2022-10-08 22:21:09

    "You are too XX" "I just think you shouldn't XX" "Don't you think we XX" "Please don't talk to me like this" "The most XX in XX is XX" "But he certainly didn't tell the truth" "Me Just understand..." "...but it's not the case." "It's better not to have that attitude." "You know how it sounds..." "You know how it sounds..." "No, Are you here/not..." "You are a...

Extended Reading

Queen of Earth quotes

  • Catherine: [to Rich] You fucking animal. You unrepentant piece of shit. You click your tongue and you revel in the affairs of others. You are worthless. You don't know anything about me. You show up to fuck my best friend, and you pry into the lives of others to conceal how worthless and boring your own life is. I don't deserve this. I just want to be left alone. I want to be left alone with the few people who are left in this world who are decent.

    [Catherine glances briefly at Ginny before reverting back to Rich]

    Catherine: You are weak and greedy and selfish, and you are the root of every problem. You are why people betray one another. You are why there is nowhere safe or happy anymore. You are why depression exists. You are why there is no escape from indecency and gossip and lies. You, Rich, you are why my father had to die. Because he couldn't live in a world like *this.*

  • Virginia: Catherine, I know.

Queen of Earth

Director: Alex Ross Perry

Language: English Release date: August 26, 2015