Queen of Earth Comments

  • Emilio 2023-05-07 23:10:39

    It almost continued the tune of the top of the mystery lake. I almost thought it was another crime film. The performance was superb, the psychological portrayal was accurate, and the director and screenwriter must have walked into depression more or...

  • Hassie 2023-04-17 09:17:07

    I like the film texture of the picture and a few hand-painted posters, the soundtrack and flashback are too crippling, and the dual female leading roles are...

  • Michel 2023-04-09 05:52:40

    Texture! Too bad siff didn't get this...

  • Kasey 2023-03-29 06:11:01

    I will leave you when you need me. test...

  • Arnold 2023-03-24 18:18:12

    All the way insane to the end, not my...

  • Kacey 2023-03-15 05:48:02

    At one point I felt that no matter what happened, it was...

  • Marcelino 2023-03-13 20:23:14

    Suppression, suspicion, nitpicking, torturing each other and maliciously getting along, this pair of girlfriends is more like a long-time good-natured separation, endless harm and ridicule, and finally forced each other to a dead end. The lake water is eerily quiet, and the psychological description from the female perspective is in place, but until the end, apart from the grief of the father's suicide, there is no other reason to lead to the ending. If only these subtle dissatisfaction and...

  • Rico 2023-03-11 06:29:56

    The love and killing between women, the role of rich is very...

  • Lottie 2023-03-04 04:08:12

    70s and 80s psychological thriller texture

  • Tiffany 2023-02-19 18:08:15

    The film is so...

Extended Reading

Queen of Earth quotes

  • Catherine: [to Rich] You fucking animal. You unrepentant piece of shit. You click your tongue and you revel in the affairs of others. You are worthless. You don't know anything about me. You show up to fuck my best friend, and you pry into the lives of others to conceal how worthless and boring your own life is. I don't deserve this. I just want to be left alone. I want to be left alone with the few people who are left in this world who are decent.

    [Catherine glances briefly at Ginny before reverting back to Rich]

    Catherine: You are weak and greedy and selfish, and you are the root of every problem. You are why people betray one another. You are why there is nowhere safe or happy anymore. You are why depression exists. You are why there is no escape from indecency and gossip and lies. You, Rich, you are why my father had to die. Because he couldn't live in a world like *this.*

  • Virginia: Catherine, I know.

Queen of Earth

Director: Alex Ross Perry

Language: English Release date: August 26, 2015