Queen of Earth Comments

  • Herta 2023-08-01 08:37:37

    The imitation of Bergman is still only on the surface, and the relationship between the two is still relatively well done in some areas, but too many times, they try to make a mystery and really lose the grade. 62...

  • Karl 2023-07-27 15:41:11

    I haven't seen such a natural and high-quality low-budget movie creation in a long time. Heart to heart, merged with the immediate or distant environment but tore apart, like a wound, good and bad,...

  • Pedro 2023-07-26 19:22:45

    80/100, the means of shaping the atmosphere is too powerful. The superb soundtrack, composition and camera movement make the whole film wrapped in a high-intensity sense of horror. In the space, the physical separation of windows, doors, walls and other levels further compresses the space of the characters, and at the same time obstructs the line of sight of the camera-eyes, in line with the characters' speech, expression and body, an extremely oppressive and strange...

  • Deonte 2023-07-08 12:55:36

    Just looking at Elisabeth Moss is scary...

  • Elenora 2023-06-15 11:29:34

    surprise. The language of sound becomes a container that can hold any medium, including dialogue, sound effects, soundtracks and even the strange sounds that are silently recited in the mind, while the image becomes the beating medium itself. As a result, all the shocking film grammars become wrapped, and the emotions from the outside to the inside evolve into the emotional spray from the inside...

  • Dwight 2023-06-09 06:41:24

    The setting of the dual timelines is very interesting, tearing all kinds of friendships apart for you to see The heroine contributed a great performance. Maybe because of the director's small cost and constraints, the story ended...

  • Jaylen 2023-05-25 23:02:59

    Glass Heart X Knife Mouth This is a gorgeous...

  • Alexandrine 2023-05-20 06:20:27

    Great acting and retro spooky clips and...

  • Quincy 2023-05-18 22:20:12

    Compared with the color wheel, it is considered to be a tuberculosis film with a high degree of completion. It shows the balance and imbalance process of the relationship between girlfriends in a closed environment. The interspersed editing of the two timelines is very interesting. The portrayal of the inseparable but inseparable plastic feelings is quite in place. The atmosphere of the heroine's out-of-control process is also scary enough, but it's a pity It's still an old problem, the...

  • Randy 2023-05-12 05:32:46

    The director extracts horror elements from pessimism and tells the dangerous test of the coexistence of two women and one man in extraordinary times. The setting of the scene and the structure of the conversation are quite Bergman style, and the way of dealing with the two-person monologue reveals the self-referential injury of the characters. The time reminder creates space for the film's flashbacks and omitted branches, constantly breaking the film structure to emphasize the unstable state of...

Extended Reading

Queen of Earth quotes

  • Catherine: [to Rich] You fucking animal. You unrepentant piece of shit. You click your tongue and you revel in the affairs of others. You are worthless. You don't know anything about me. You show up to fuck my best friend, and you pry into the lives of others to conceal how worthless and boring your own life is. I don't deserve this. I just want to be left alone. I want to be left alone with the few people who are left in this world who are decent.

    [Catherine glances briefly at Ginny before reverting back to Rich]

    Catherine: You are weak and greedy and selfish, and you are the root of every problem. You are why people betray one another. You are why there is nowhere safe or happy anymore. You are why depression exists. You are why there is no escape from indecency and gossip and lies. You, Rich, you are why my father had to die. Because he couldn't live in a world like *this.*

  • Virginia: Catherine, I know.

Queen of Earth

Director: Alex Ross Perry

Language: English Release date: August 26, 2015