Q: The Winged Serpent Comments

  • Colt 2023-09-01 23:42:31

    Monster films dominated by rare characters, as well as social criticism that is rarely and skillfully integrated, have a certain influence on Feng Junhao's creation of "The Monster of the Han River". Although there are various innovations, the limitations of B-level films still penetrated into all aspects of the film, including stories: The way the protagonist loses his loot is very perfunctory; half of the dialogue between the male and female protagonists is a retelling of the plot; the scenes...

  • Marlin 2023-08-27 10:39:10

    BSC channel HD bilingual subtitles, what a pity! The opening chapter has monsters, cults, cults, and suspense. In the middle, a long soap opera plot between the wretched male protagonist and the city hall begins. Fortunately, the boss battle is not...

  • Cullen 2023-06-19 15:37:19

    The corpse is not...

  • Colin 2023-01-31 06:40:19

    Oh, the cost is so...

  • Alexandria 2023-01-29 21:07:22

    This film can be determined to be garbage, not watching it is the...

  • Alexys 2022-12-31 06:44:04

    In fact, it is an extraordinary monster movie. The young man at the end watched the monster capture the police, showing an expression of admiration. He was very...

  • Rowan 2022-12-05 18:10:25

    The title is neither "Pterosaur" nor "Giant Bird", but Quetzalcoatl: The Winged Serpent. Creating a unique useless anti-hero protagonist and an innocent and deified tragic monster (though it is not known how its eggs are fertilized), the criminal's personal story goes hand in hand with the old-fashioned monster film, weaving a rough but Lovely pictures of all beings in New...

  • Haylee 2022-10-24 20:28:41

    The idea of ​​this film is very good, but there are too many places to help, and the plot is a bit slow. If the relationship between the living sacrifice and the pterosaurs is explained more clearly, it will definitely become a...

  • Stephany 2022-10-24 17:32:28

    The idea of ​​this film is very good, but there are too many places to help. If you can put some effort into the screenwriter to clarify the relationship between the living sacrifice and the pterosaur, it will also be a...

  • Destini 2022-10-24 17:30:45

    "Q (1982)": Michael Moriarty's excellent acting skills are on full display in the film, which pales in comparison to the rough stop-motion animation and the immature acting of the group actors. The drive to subvert bourgeois values ​​makes director Larry Cohen's work so topical, whether it's It's Alive (1974) or God Told Me To (1976) before it was on the cusp of...

Extended Reading

Q: The Winged Serpent quotes

  • Jimmy Quinn: Go away, evil dream.

  • Jimmy Quinn: I'm not afraid anymore.