Prospect Comments

  • Kassandra 2022-12-23 19:20:17

    Take the time to take a look. China may be introduced in the form of...

  • Winston 2022-12-12 21:56:04

    It is not recommended to watch movies that waste time. The father and daughter went to the aliens to dig treasures, but the spacecraft failed and landed. After finding the treasure, pour the stuff and cut it again. Cut it slowly, otherwise it will become acid and damage, and then cut something like amber inside. Later, I met a group of people in a gunfight, which gave me the feeling that it was not the hero who killed his dad but another person killed his dad. When the heroine ran back to the...

  • Haylie 2022-12-01 23:41:05

    The father is dead, and the daughter is dependent on the murderer, it is not very...

  • Marlon 2022-11-13 08:22:34

    Deadly hairy, the rhythm is...

  • Zachery 2022-10-31 09:13:54

    A helmet can make a sci-fi...

  • Alexanne 2022-10-23 14:13:29

    Uh... don't learn from me, waste...

  • Jeff 2022-10-04 19:55:06

    4.0. I like it very much, the shell of science fiction adventure, in terms of the growth of the girl, the heroine looks like a mixture of Bi Li and French Adele from several angles, and there is such a god-level soundtrack in a small cost! ! (Looking at the director's introduction, this film should be adapted and expanded from a short film in 13...

  • Dolores 2022-10-04 19:04:53

    The 50/100 girl "transformed" her father into an ideal story, changing short films into feature films, and three-quarters of it was garbage...

  • Brandy 2022-10-04 18:29:50

    For this film, science fiction is just an empty shell. The context of the story and the advancement of the plot are not based on the foundation of science fiction. In other words, this is a prototype story that can be put into any background and used without any further processing. Movies made with such materials have no value to me, regardless of whether they are well-made or not. This film once again reminded me that there seems to be a trend in the boring movies in recent years, that is,...

  • Dexter 2022-10-04 17:33:02

    It's a simple story about a father and daughter panning for gold, his father being robbed, and a girl self-reliant... It has nothing to do with science fiction, and it has nothing to do with the girl's growth. The overall style of the movie is very unique and artistic, but there is no entertainment or touch. It is not recommended to waste...

Extended Reading

Prospect quotes

  • Ezra: Listen... I know well the lure of vengeance. I, myself, have... frequently indulged and I have not often found regret. And in this moment right here I'm afraid for both our sakes and most repulsed.

  • Ezra: I say we go to your mercs, I'll play the prospector and together we ravage the queen.

    Cee: You're trying to trick me.

    Ezra: And I help you, I can harvest, I can offer protection.

    Ezra: A girl your age, a child, wanders into a camp of fringely mercs. At the end of tour what happens, you appeal to their sympathies? They have none. They are ruthless profiteers. You must have something to offer or they will find something to take from you.

    Cee: Why should I trust you? You stole from us, we did nothing in the end...

    Ezra: That's the fringe, girl. If you are one to point fingers at extortion well, there's not much I can say.

    Cee: And then you killed my father.

    Ezra: Hold on. I'm keen to make the case that Damon killed himself.

    Cee: We were trying to escape.

    Ezra: Was trying to steal my trophy cases, what he was trying to do. A man's work is no petty thing. To you, his daughter I truly apologize for my contribution to his passing. But he was stealing my entire harvest. And actions like these foment a thread of appropriate reactions. Your father knew that... and if he didn't, than he had no business in the green.

    Cee: You're a killer.

    Ezra: I am indeed, but are you?


Director: Christopher Caldwell

Language: English Release date: November 2, 2018