Prodigal Son Comments

  • Jess 2022-09-14 23:47:01

    Too much like Hannibal, but it doesn't have Hannibal's taste, and it lacks its violent aesthetics. The killer also set up a time bomb too hard. The story of the unit drama has no depth and imagination. . By the way, the bald tyrant killer is the director of the mind...

  • Shirley 2022-09-13 04:02:47

    Completely fooling around, old-fashioned actors rely on...

  • Keeley 2022-09-11 15:38:40

    Have a certain level of...

  • Reva 2022-09-04 07:51:16

    For the last episode to score full marks! This drama is simply the potential stocks to go low and go high! It's not a loss to watch! !...

  • Sigrid 2022-08-11 21:23:08

    I just watched the first episode, first give a four-star rating, which is quite satisfactory. I always feel that this kind of perverted father and father-son joint talk will be vulgar. The first episode does not start much, and I look forward to the subsequent plot. Blow up teacher Xin's acting...

  • Anabel 2022-08-11 21:01:33

    Honestly, it's kind of boring. It feels that the screenwriter wants to pretend to be excessive, and the result is a bit too dark and hard, but there is also a kind of immaturity, and it is not very resonant with the character. The whole is...

  • Davon 2022-08-11 19:17:33

    The male protagonist’s emoticon pack is pre-ordered, and the character is exaggerated and bursting, and he blows his eyes to the audience at every turn. Although contrived, he actually feels a little cute... His father is still an angel at first...

  • Irma 2022-08-11 18:03:21

    It seems to be a crazy version of criminal psychology profiler Ma (Xiao) Ke (Tea) Cup under the influence of serial killer dad (Dad) Dad (Dad) fighting against his own mental illness and criminal evil forces. Very well, I have nothing to do. I'm not eager to see Season4 Anyway, everything I look at now is Hannibal Very...

  • Ernestina 2022-08-11 17:50:39

    There is teacher Mike, he has turned into a murderous demon from a little angel. Maxine’s acting skills are really great, and his younger sister is also very...

Prodigal Son

Director: Adam Kane, Omar Madha, Antonio Negret, Satya Bhabha, Rob Bailey, Megan Griffiths, Rob Hardy, Lee Toland Krieger

Language: English Release date: September 23, 2019