Prodigal Son Comments

  • Kenton 2023-01-30 00:12:53

    It's especially tasteless. Every time I solve a case, I test my assumptions. Then I have clues. Nine out of ten people related to the victims are the murderers. But the corpses of every murder case are so weird. It's a waste of such a good subject. Handsome, self-righteous and particularly short, no offense, I feel that the screenwriter deliberately made the women in the whole play revolve around the male...

  • Felicia 2023-01-16 21:57:17

    Trembling for so long is finally finished. I don’t know if it is also affected by the new coronary pneumonia image. I remember that it was either 24 or 22 episodes. I didn’t plan to follow it at first, but after watching a few episodes, I think it’s okay, the overall tone is too bad It's comfortable, and the color is too deliberate. The storyline of the single episode is not bad. Although the ending is a bit too bloody, I think I will continue to pursue it. After all, there is really nothing to...

  • Coby 2023-01-08 01:42:07

    After watching the abandoned drama for five minutes, this drama is another exaggerated soap opera with criminal minds as a gimmick. It is not surprising to notice that it is Director Li who is filming dramas for teenagers such as...

  • Nola 2023-01-05 05:22:52

    Telling the truth is really good-looking and unpopular. You can’t think of it as a criminal investigation film. It’s really interesting to watch it as a thriller and the kind of film that explores the original family relationship. It has completely fallen into Maxine’s pit, this old man too Charm, and the male protagonist is also very handsome. The more you look at it, the more handsome it is. Unfortunately, Fox has cut the third season, and now only the two reduced seasons can be watched over...

  • Thurman 2022-12-28 20:03:47

    The plot is every time the male protagonist uses his mouth to move the murderer to put down his weapon. It's unreasonable. Dad is not...

  • Jacklyn 2022-12-28 06:34:30

    In general... I always feel that the male protagonist is wearing a...

  • Grayce 2022-12-25 16:28:36

    The last episode made me stupid and wait for the next...

  • Carmela 2022-12-20 21:55:13

    Okay, there is a sense of sight in the story of a new generation of "Hannibal" and his son. Dad is a perverted murderer, and his descendants must have it in his genes. Otherwise, this setting would be in vain, but the disadvantage is that the plot development can be guessed without...

  • Jasmin 2022-12-17 15:02:45

    It's been a long time since I watched the drama. When I first watched it, I almost gave up the drama. I didn't expect the rhythm to get better and better after a few episodes. In fact, the setting is quite interesting. I like the crime genre. You can...

  • Wayne 2022-12-14 19:38:48

    The plot is quite satisfactory, the male protagonist's father has acted arrogantly, so it always feels strange, and I always feel that the male protagonist's mother is not...

Prodigal Son

Director: Adam Kane, Omar Madha, Antonio Negret, Satya Bhabha, Rob Bailey, Megan Griffiths, Rob Hardy, Lee Toland Krieger

Language: English Release date: September 23, 2019