Precious Comments

  • Jayne 2023-07-10 05:04:37

    "nobody love me. love ain't done nothing for me. love beat me ,rape me, call me an animal." Despair is like this, tragedy is born every second, out of ignorance, greed, selfishness, cowardice and violence, facing despair, You will choose to save or...

  • Eli 2023-07-09 22:03:21

    Like the sad and hopeful mutterings of Precious, how many people can really understand these struggles and pains. "Long after they've come out of the tunnel, they're still cut off from the world at heart." We all have old hearts, dear...

  • Nicolas 2023-06-25 19:13:39

    There are many places that make me unimaginable, but it's not just a simple heart shock. Now I want to come to think about it, even if we watch these movies, inspire some pity and receive some encouragement, but many times it is fleeting, in such a busy schedule. In this hectic era, it is difficult for us to be moved on the path of eternity, let alone put it into action, whether for ourselves or for...

  • Miles 2023-06-17 03:57:14

    The story and her world was deeply moving and supremely well acted. The performances are rich and incredible enough to hold up...

  • Kale 2023-06-13 14:09:22

    The picture is very vivid, it is a black lump, I can't help but think of the blue Marchesa worn on someone at the 82nd Oscars. Because of her mother's attitude and practice, she has lived a deformed life for more than ten years, and burst into tears many times... But because the teacher asked her to keep a diary, her attitude towards life changed. Do not! Maybe she would be better off without a mother like...

  • Haylie 2023-06-10 06:44:55

    Some people are like a beacon to illuminate the people around them, and some people used to be like living in a tunnel, and in that tunnel, the only light is the light inside. And then, long after escaping the tunnel, the inner light still shines on...

  • Sincere 2023-05-18 13:23:07

    For those who watch the movie with a lively mentality, this movie is enough to make you ashamed and speechless. I even think it's blasphemy to rate...

  • Hester 2023-05-11 01:32:32

    Too hard and too sad. Even black people are not like this, God is right and humane. Born humble mother is a slut father is a thief. At 17, she was pregnant with two children and one was mentally handicapped. At the end, it is not clear whether the problem has been solved. who will love her. There is actually Kelly much...

  • Bria 2023-05-06 00:10:38

    The heroine is too fucking strong, no wonder she won the Oscar, especially the big monologue at the end of the film, which is super in place. Mariah Carey was dressed so tightly that she almost didn't recognize her. It was just right to wipe her tears a few times. Although the heroine has an Oscar nomination, but she has too much flesh on her face and can't see her expression, otherwise she has a bright future. Similar themes, juno is just a fairy tale, this is the naked reality. Strongly...

  • Maeve 2023-05-05 18:19:05

    Heavy Metal version of The Color...

Extended Reading

Precious quotes

  • Mrs. Weiss: Let's talk about the abuse in your household. You know what I'm talking about.

    Mary: [Tearfully] You sit there and you judge me, and you write them notes on your notepad, because you think you know who I am!

  • Mrs. Weiss: You know, let's talk about your father. Tell me about your relationship with him.

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: I don't know much more than you do, Mrs. White.

    Mrs. Weiss: That's Mrs. "Weiss." Talk to me about the little you do know about your father. It is important, whether you know it or not.

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: He give me his baby and my one before it, but I don't never see him...

    Mrs. Weiss: Wait, what did you say he gave you?

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: Nothing.

    Mrs. Weiss: Wait, Clareece, you just said your father gave you something...

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: Nothing.

    Mrs. Weiss: No, I HEARD you just say...

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: You didn't hear shit.

    Mrs. Weiss: I heard you just say your father...

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: You didn't hear shit like it!

    Mrs. Weiss: I don't care, honey! I need to know this!

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: [Overlapping with Mrs. Weiss' voice] I didn't say nothing like it! Let's move ON!

    Mrs. Weiss: I need this to HELP you...

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: [Angrily] Bitch, can we change the subject?

    Mrs. Weiss: [tossing her file aside] Okay. Well, I'll see you next time then. Or maybe you'll see someone else. But you're going to have to talk to someone if you want your check, sweetie.

    [Long pause, whilst Clareece considers this]

    Clareece 'Precious' Jones: I see vampires too...


Director: Lee Daniels

Language: English,Italian Release date: November 20, 2009

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