Poseidon Comments

  • Keith 2022-07-27 15:40:45

    The same thing is about the shipwreck, and the same is about the sinking of the cruise ship. "Titanic" touched countless lovers around the world with love; while "Poseidon" used realistic special effects to amaze every audience's eyeballs. If we only talk about the special effects and the lifelike nature of the shipwreck, even "Poseidon" is better than "Titanic". Highly...

  • Napoleon 2022-07-27 14:57:31

    I haven’t seen the original version of Poseidon, so I’m not sure about this: as a disaster film about the shipwreck, there is almost no description of the ship’s condition, and I don’t know where the huge waves came from, the director. It took only fifteen minutes to complete the preliminary preparations in a rush, and the Poseidon sank directly into the ocean. The rest is an underwater shipwreck adventure. You must know that even the ending subtitles took up as much as nine...

Extended Reading

Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.


Director: Wolfgang Petersen

Language: English,Spanish Release date: May 12, 2006