Police Story Comments

  • Eriberto 2022-03-29 09:01:08

    The movies in this period are basically watched with my dad, especially the action movies...

  • Jordi 2022-03-29 09:01:08

    Don't say anything, I don't know if children will watch it in the...

  • Hazle 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Classic lines: I can dance, he can't; I don't see anything. The scene of coming down from the mountain is big enough. Maggie Cheung is quite a village...

  • Trevion 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    I murmured n times, it's too...

  • Alessandro 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    I fell in love with the Hong Kong police back...

  • Bartholome 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    I'm embarrassed...that female secretary is really Brigitte...

  • Alvina 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    The combination of a zoom lens and a positioning lens is magical, similar to a free fall from high altitude, a car rolling downhill, a telephone ringing, and a conditioned reflex punch, releasing an irreversible momentum like an arrow on the string and popping out of the chamber, and a twist on the verge of losing control. The ultimate balance of the universe. Even the plot that seemed to be a routine at the time is unstoppable today: the little policeman manipulated as a propaganda tool, the...

  • Jevon 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    The opening work of the police story, Brigitte Lin + Jackie Chan, judging from the follow-up works, none of them can achieve such a lineup...

  • Gregorio 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Oh, how much I liked Maggie Cheung back...

  • Freddy 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Hope it keeps going. ....

Extended Reading

Police Story quotes

  • Kevin Chan Ka Kui: [after being assigned to protect her from Koo's men, Kevin tries to persuade Selina to go home after she's been released from jail] Miss Fong, it's much too dangerous out here. Please go home.

    Selina Fong: I'll do what I want.

    Kevin Chan Ka Kui: Miss Fong, it's for your own safety.

    Selina Fong: [annoyed] Look, I don't need your protection, so get lost! Leave me alone!

    Kevin Chan Ka Kui: Are you sure? Do you know what happened to four other witnesses who said that?

    Selina Fong: [sarcastically] What? Somebody shot em? Don't try to scare me. So go on... what happened?

    Kevin Chan Ka Kui: Uh... nothing happened to them. They're all doing fine. But something could happen.

    Selina Fong: I hate you. Ya big jerk.

  • Supt. Raymond Li: Don't be a cop if you want to live to 100

    Inspector Bill Wong: You want this line on the recruitment poster?