Penguin Bloom Comments

  • Noemie 2023-03-23 22:20:57

    Comparing the positive energy stories of routines, the writers and directors are not satisfactory, and I am slightly disappointed with NW. Based on the truth, I wish the prototype a safe life for the rest of his...

  • Leslie 2023-03-21 17:52:05

    The goddess is still very temperamental when she is old, and the scenery photography is not bad. It is more that the heroine's acting skills and the real story behind it are...

  • Monroe 2023-03-19 20:42:41

    Trying as many new things as possible is the key to breaking down the emptiness and making the new world of your life wider and wider. You have to be mentally prepared: since it is an attempt, there will naturally be successes and failures. For any outcome, you have to accept it calmly. (from the...

  • Verdie 2023-03-17 07:03:03

    3.5 There must be...

  • Rosario 2023-03-15 00:40:10

    The remake is far inferior to the prototype that appeared in the...

  • Conor 2023-03-10 04:55:02

    Warmth is spare and strength is insufficient. It was handled too gently. A bowl of MSG is so full of chicken soup that it doesn't taste good. The character also did not give Naomi more space, and it continued to be a...

  • Duane 2023-03-08 12:31:24

    Half-body paralysis can also win the kayaking championship,...

  • Kaylee 2023-03-08 04:14:12

    Trying as many new things as possible is the key to breaking down the emptiness and making the new world of your life wider and wider. You have to be mentally prepared: since it is an attempt, there will naturally be successes and failures. For any outcome, you have to accept it...

  • Moshe 2023-02-17 11:26:07

    It is very important for people to be needed, including being needed by...

  • Ferne 2023-02-13 13:16:08

    Some of the photos are well-taken, adapted from real stories, and Thailand has taken the blame. . ....

Extended Reading

Penguin Bloom quotes

  • [first lines]

    Noah Bloom: [narrating] Mom loves the ocean. She always has. Mom meet dad on the beach when there were teenagers. They've been together ever since. That's me when I was four. Rueben's my middle brother. He's always been annoying. And then Oli, lucky last. And that's us, the Blooms.

    [family photo]

    Noah Bloom: Everything was pretty much perfect. But then last year happened. Us kids wanted to go to Disney Land. But mom and dad chose Thailand instead. I liked Thailand.

  • Noah Bloom: [narrating] Mom broke her back at what the doctors called T-6. But what mom calls her "bra strap".

Penguin Bloom

Director: Glendyn Ivin

Language: English Release date: January 27, 2021