Penguin Bloom Comments

  • Bud 2023-06-27 06:50:21

    This bowl of chicken soup won't heal me. I love Naomi...

  • Summer 2023-06-22 05:25:14

    That is, O'Henry's last leaf, the difference is that this leaf can...

  • Sydnie 2023-05-29 06:28:45

    A black and white happy sparrow called...

  • Alfonso 2023-05-29 02:52:33

    How you look at life is often more important than how you...

  • Sam 2023-05-24 09:40:17

    The rhythm of the first half is good, the latter part gradually becomes warmer, and sugarcoats the difficulties after the accident. Naomi's performances are always refreshing, and this bird deserves an award for best animal...

  • Luis 2023-05-16 09:49:17

    Based on real events, there are also novels! Australian Landscapes! There are penguins in Namiki, but a magpie called Penguin. The front part is a bit boring, but it is still very touching in the...

  • Myles 2023-05-06 03:05:01

    That's great. Are magpies really that...

  • Issac 2023-04-27 06:12:51

    Strangely, the fresh and soft backlight this time is not disgusting, and even somehow touched me a little... It's also thanks to Naomi's natural acting skills, it feels quite substituting. However, the handling of the characters is still a bit too idealistic. See the final adaptation of real events? Fine, I have to sigh that it is good to have money. Then I wondered if this book could be localized and made more dramatic if it was localized, maybe I could try...

  • Kaya 2023-04-07 18:21:34

    This kind of film of animal warmth and healing is very similar in concept and routine. Although there is a halo of real adaptation, the narrative of this film is still too mediocre, and the reconciliation with the family is too light on the challenge and passion for life. The acting is already good enough, the soundtrack and the camera lens have a lot of room for...

  • Charley 2023-04-07 07:24:27

    It was very Aussie, eating fish and chips, kayak, magpie,...

Extended Reading

Penguin Bloom quotes

  • [first lines]

    Noah Bloom: [narrating] Mom loves the ocean. She always has. Mom meet dad on the beach when there were teenagers. They've been together ever since. That's me when I was four. Rueben's my middle brother. He's always been annoying. And then Oli, lucky last. And that's us, the Blooms.

    [family photo]

    Noah Bloom: Everything was pretty much perfect. But then last year happened. Us kids wanted to go to Disney Land. But mom and dad chose Thailand instead. I liked Thailand.

  • Noah Bloom: [narrating] Mom broke her back at what the doctors called T-6. But what mom calls her "bra strap".