Penguin Bloom Comments

  • Mossie 2023-09-28 03:10:18

    The Boring Raven, Naomi Watts' most boring...

  • Jettie 2023-09-23 05:44:21

    The protagonist is not the magpie, but the wounded Sam. From this point of view, the movie can be regarded as the right vein of the story. Noah and the magpie are the first supporting characters. The magpie's life is a shadow of Sam's life, and Noah thinks that his mother The injury is because of himself, and taking care of the magpie who is also injured seems to give him a sense of guilt, and it can be regarded as a kind of emotional connection, but unfortunately the lyrical part is overdone,...

  • Jamar 2023-09-20 20:35:17

    A promotional video of Australia's beautiful scenery + a cliché inspirational chicken soup story to inspire the disabled. Magpies with wings are unable to fly, but their energetic souls are confined to wheelchairs. The injured bird and the paralyzed person, healing the wounds of the body and repairing the pain of the soul, form an ingenious mutual reflection. Naomi's performance is remarkable. She manages the heroine's emotions from self-isolation, self-doubt, self-pity and finally to...

  • Mabelle 2023-09-12 14:39:17

    The Impossible played by Naomi in 2012 was also paralyzed by bad luck in Thailand... and it also has three sons. This time there is an extra bird pet. Naomi's acting skills are excellent for the physical and emotional expression of the paralyzed person, and the magpie called the penguin bears the front and back changes of the heroine. It is the basis of reality adaptation that makes this man and bird's healing story penetrating. It is very simple and has no extra branches. The soft light effect...

  • Cale 2023-09-08 21:08:44

    I just finished watching it, it's too good to cry, come and contribute my high...

  • Sandrine 2023-09-01 18:58:09

    It's been a long time since I watched Goddess Watts' new film. I'm quite old, but the charm is still the same. Magpie's performance is even more amazing. When I watched it, I wondered, will some of the shots be CG? The magpie's acting skills are also very good, and it always feels a little fake: Is there such a human magpie in reality? When I saw the ending, I didn't expect it to be an adaptation of the real thing, it's...

  • Fredrick 2023-08-14 07:14:13

    I thought it would be made into a story similar to "Robot and Frank", but unfortunately, except for the change of perspective from the husband to the child, the content of the book is not much different, and there is no drama. Naomi is a good actor, but has no ambitions to break out of previous...

  • Maia 2023-08-13 18:35:33

    [Video] A family with many children, paralyzed from the lower body, playing the piano to the birds, the scenery is good, the ending

  • Royce 2023-08-08 15:42:37

    Moderate. After a physical disability, there is bound to be a process of psychological repair and transformation. Fortunately, the heroine's family and welfare background can make people pass through it completely. A bird can't really play a big role. I especially admire their family's communication style. They say whatever they have, without reservation, and express their true...

  • Idella 2023-07-21 17:41:05

    Too stupid to...

Extended Reading

Penguin Bloom quotes

  • [first lines]

    Noah Bloom: [narrating] Mom loves the ocean. She always has. Mom meet dad on the beach when there were teenagers. They've been together ever since. That's me when I was four. Rueben's my middle brother. He's always been annoying. And then Oli, lucky last. And that's us, the Blooms.

    [family photo]

    Noah Bloom: Everything was pretty much perfect. But then last year happened. Us kids wanted to go to Disney Land. But mom and dad chose Thailand instead. I liked Thailand.

  • Noah Bloom: [narrating] Mom broke her back at what the doctors called T-6. But what mom calls her "bra strap".