Paul, Apostle of Christ Comments

  • Freddy 2022-08-28 23:45:10

    A very artistic film. It's just that people who don't understand Christianity will be...

  • Justina 2022-08-28 23:08:23

    What really shocked me was that I began to realize for the first time that what I believed was not only the gospel of God, but also the people who preached the gospel. They really existed. The word persecution is not just a word in the Bible, but a painful and hopeful experience. I was not the only one who couldn't cry in the movie theater. Everyone listened to the music that ended and tried to calm their hearts. Thanks for seeing such a...

  • Shakira 2022-08-28 21:22:11

    Love Jesus doctrine proposition composition. The Christian community was tottering under persecution and eventually fled Rome collectively. Accompanied by Luke, Paul spent his last years in prison and died...

  • Hadley 2022-08-28 15:54:26

    I fought the good battle; I finished the road to run; I held on to the faith. From then on, a crown of righteousness has been prepared for me, and the Lord who judges righteously will give it to me on the day he comes, not only to me, but also to all those who love his appearance. (Contemporary translation of 2 Timothy...

  • Sammy 2022-08-28 10:08:28

    "I won't die for things I'm not sure of." Living to death, dying and resurrecting with Christ, is an unforgettable experience of watching...

Extended Reading

Paul, Apostle of Christ quotes

  • Mauritius Gallas: If it were the only truth everyone would believe it.

    Luke: Not so. Christ, who is truth, rose from the dead, many do not believe.

    Mauritius Gallas: Lies, fabrications...

    Paul: If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our preaching is useless, and so is our faith.

    Mauritius Gallas: Oh, you have no doubts at all?

    Paul: Men do not die for things they doubt.

  • Paul: Imagine yourself looking out at the vast sea before you. You reach down and put a hand into the water and you scoop it up towards you. Immediately the water starts leaking through your fingers until the hand is empty. That water is a man's life. From birth to death it is always slipping through our hands until it is gone, along with all that you hold dear in this world. And yet the Kingdom I speak of - that I live for - is like the rest of the water out in the sea. Man lives for that cup of water that slips through his fingers. Those that follow Jesus Christ live for that endless expanse of sea.

    Mauritius Gallas: What if, after all this, I still do not believe in your Christ?

    Paul: I wasn't trying to convince you.


    Paul: Listen to me. There is only a moment. It is not me. It is Christ himself that looks upon you and shatters your defenses and in that moment you will understand that you are completely known by God... and you are completely loved. I will pray that moment comes for you.