Paul, Apostle of Christ Comments

  • Kailyn 2023-01-18 08:50:01

    God is not dead, He loves all people forever and selflessly, and when you have faith, you can be...

  • Arturo 2023-01-16 06:24:55

    "Love is the only way. Love that suffers forever, love that is kind, love that is not jealous, not proud, love that is not humiliated, love that is selfless, love that is not angry, love that delights in the truth, never relishes evil love, love that protects, trust, hope, bears everything, that kind of love, you know?" Paul asked Luke in prison. "I only brag about my weaknesses, so God's strength comes upon me... The strength is buried in weakness," Paul said in a chat with the warden of...

  • Darrion 2023-01-08 05:06:10

    St. Paul, one of the important founders of Christianity; this St.'s life experience is also very strange: from a persecutor of Christians to the most steadfast and important believer in Christ, many chapters in the "New Testament" (mostly letters) It was him who laid down many of the foundational views of Christianity (notoriously his views on women; Paul was never married, and his misogyny was strong in that era of widespread...

  • Hollis 2023-01-05 22:43:00

    The Chinese believe that belief in supernatural powers is not very advanced. Hold up this movie. Just about faith and coincidence. And, of course, full of peace and...

  • Jeremie 2022-12-15 17:39:08

    The true way of faith God uses love to change the...

  • Cristina 2022-12-09 05:27:08

    3.5 Many people say that the translation would be better if it could be better, but for such a film, does it really need an emotional explosion, or does it really need to excite the text like the original, Empower...

  • Ubaldo 2022-12-07 05:33:14

    Changing the film's title to "Doctor Luke" or "Warden Mauritius" would not be inconsistent. The warden is the soul of the whole...

  • Kurt 2022-11-16 18:46:10

    Focusing on the last years before St. Paul's martyrdom, it should actually be called "Acts of the Apostles". After reading it, I realized that Luke had never seen Jesus, and was a great Greek doctor. A well-made gospel movie that restores the gloomy atmosphere of Christians feeding lions and serving as torches in Rome after the fire of Nero. Naturally, the swoosh smack of "everyone in the world is drunk and I'm alone, and my master is the spirit", which is necessary for gospel movies, is more...

  • Marion 2022-11-16 14:17:09

    The story of St. Paul the Christian, Paul's torture in a Roman prison, the dialogue between the warden, the physician Luke and Paul all over the film, the New Testament story, 'I will not die for what I doubt! 'It's scary to be religious like...

  • Eldora 2022-11-10 11:27:09

    Fumbled from "What the Philosophers...

Extended Reading

Paul, Apostle of Christ quotes

  • Mauritius Gallas: If it were the only truth everyone would believe it.

    Luke: Not so. Christ, who is truth, rose from the dead, many do not believe.

    Mauritius Gallas: Lies, fabrications...

    Paul: If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our preaching is useless, and so is our faith.

    Mauritius Gallas: Oh, you have no doubts at all?

    Paul: Men do not die for things they doubt.

  • Paul: Imagine yourself looking out at the vast sea before you. You reach down and put a hand into the water and you scoop it up towards you. Immediately the water starts leaking through your fingers until the hand is empty. That water is a man's life. From birth to death it is always slipping through our hands until it is gone, along with all that you hold dear in this world. And yet the Kingdom I speak of - that I live for - is like the rest of the water out in the sea. Man lives for that cup of water that slips through his fingers. Those that follow Jesus Christ live for that endless expanse of sea.

    Mauritius Gallas: What if, after all this, I still do not believe in your Christ?

    Paul: I wasn't trying to convince you.


    Paul: Listen to me. There is only a moment. It is not me. It is Christ himself that looks upon you and shatters your defenses and in that moment you will understand that you are completely known by God... and you are completely loved. I will pray that moment comes for you.