Paul, Apostle of Christ Comments

  • Hailee 2023-05-06 18:36:36

    Caviezel starred in Luke, and it is the Christ deity who has traveled back to face Sao Paulo in a...

  • Ericka 2023-04-29 23:06:06

    Lord will come...

  • Vivien 2023-03-09 15:37:54

    Excellent, great photography and lighting. There are not too many miracles rendered, and there are many pictures passing by in a freehand style. It is not a deliberately large scene to create visibility, but every scene is carefully crafted. In terms of conception, it does not emphasize the sorrow of martyrdom. On the contrary, it makes people look up and understand, "If we only have hope in this life through Christ, we are even more pitiful than everyone else." Thank you for this...

  • Dock 2023-03-04 16:09:54

    In the dungeon, Paul recalls the past time and space and Luke narrates the present time and space connection. Love is the only way. Evil can only overcome by the Good. "Your grace is enough" "Paul, why are you persecuting me" that sentence from the Bible is repeated in the movie, which is so...

  • Alia 2023-03-01 18:37:20

    If you don't understand Christianity, it is easy to have all kinds of questions and be...

  • Alivia 2023-02-25 20:58:40

    Knowledge makes people arrogant, only love makes people. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in...

  • Kay 2023-02-10 18:36:37

    Love is the only way; for those who have walked the other way - who advertised themselves by power, force, intellect, are gone like dust, but love is...

  • Zane 2023-02-09 07:20:33

    "However, by the Lord who loves us, we are more than victorious in all these...

  • Olen 2023-02-08 21:51:12

    Paul's later deeds, the softening of miracles, 2...

  • Granville 2023-01-19 20:57:44

    Faithful to history and loyal to the original, a good gospel film. Although some atheists will definitely call these all false, but objective history proves that the apostles recorded in the book of Acts have all been real, and some proud atheists are best understood before talking, otherwise they will make a joke. That's not good. . . Suddenly I saw someone claiming that Paul’s views on women were notorious, so everyone went to the Bible to see if they were...

Extended Reading

Paul, Apostle of Christ quotes

  • Mauritius Gallas: If it were the only truth everyone would believe it.

    Luke: Not so. Christ, who is truth, rose from the dead, many do not believe.

    Mauritius Gallas: Lies, fabrications...

    Paul: If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our preaching is useless, and so is our faith.

    Mauritius Gallas: Oh, you have no doubts at all?

    Paul: Men do not die for things they doubt.

  • Paul: Imagine yourself looking out at the vast sea before you. You reach down and put a hand into the water and you scoop it up towards you. Immediately the water starts leaking through your fingers until the hand is empty. That water is a man's life. From birth to death it is always slipping through our hands until it is gone, along with all that you hold dear in this world. And yet the Kingdom I speak of - that I live for - is like the rest of the water out in the sea. Man lives for that cup of water that slips through his fingers. Those that follow Jesus Christ live for that endless expanse of sea.

    Mauritius Gallas: What if, after all this, I still do not believe in your Christ?

    Paul: I wasn't trying to convince you.


    Paul: Listen to me. There is only a moment. It is not me. It is Christ himself that looks upon you and shatters your defenses and in that moment you will understand that you are completely known by God... and you are completely loved. I will pray that moment comes for you.