Paul, Apostle of Christ Comments

  • Shawna 2023-09-29 00:30:17

    Really shocking! The verses read in the Bible were written by the apostles with their own blood and tears, suffering countless tribulations and persecutions. The price of faith was too heavy at the time. But they kept their faith. Paul gave us a wonderful testimony. As he wrote in 2 Timothy: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day,...

  • Garth 2023-09-18 03:57:21

    I really feel that the Christian's joy and heavenly hope have not been...

  • Christa 2023-09-17 10:38:27

    How many people still believe in "love hope...

  • Alyson 2023-09-13 23:04:52

    (Bible study tonight, the last time we met a year ago, hot pot with preachers and church brothers and sisters, and watching this movie after dinner.) "Love is the only way." For non-Christians, it's hard to say understand. Regarding violence, the world's theory has always been "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." Paul followed the path of Jesus and refused to go to prison for his brothers and sisters. History is like this, the truth is there, but the unseen are still invisible. This is...

  • Francesco 2023-08-22 21:49:31

    I can understand but cannot understand, religious movies are still difficult for me. JC, you still play as a police agent, I can see that more...

  • Isadore 2023-08-09 15:25:02

    A very artistic film that is easier to read if you know about...

  • Iva 2023-07-31 23:39:24

    I want to read the New Testament...

  • Adrian 2023-07-25 01:16:21

    #Actually Jesus is right next to...

  • Dorris 2023-07-24 09:51:43


  • Frank 2023-07-21 10:51:57

    I have been a seeker for a year, and I have a weak foundation in the Bible. But have the heart to know the faith. ....

Extended Reading

Paul, Apostle of Christ quotes

  • Mauritius Gallas: If it were the only truth everyone would believe it.

    Luke: Not so. Christ, who is truth, rose from the dead, many do not believe.

    Mauritius Gallas: Lies, fabrications...

    Paul: If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our preaching is useless, and so is our faith.

    Mauritius Gallas: Oh, you have no doubts at all?

    Paul: Men do not die for things they doubt.

  • Paul: Imagine yourself looking out at the vast sea before you. You reach down and put a hand into the water and you scoop it up towards you. Immediately the water starts leaking through your fingers until the hand is empty. That water is a man's life. From birth to death it is always slipping through our hands until it is gone, along with all that you hold dear in this world. And yet the Kingdom I speak of - that I live for - is like the rest of the water out in the sea. Man lives for that cup of water that slips through his fingers. Those that follow Jesus Christ live for that endless expanse of sea.

    Mauritius Gallas: What if, after all this, I still do not believe in your Christ?

    Paul: I wasn't trying to convince you.


    Paul: Listen to me. There is only a moment. It is not me. It is Christ himself that looks upon you and shatters your defenses and in that moment you will understand that you are completely known by God... and you are completely loved. I will pray that moment comes for you.