Paterson Comments

  • Wiley 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    I just want to know how Patterson’s fear of literature and art finds such a good girlfriend...

  • Keyon 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    That dog will bark every time he kisses, even foreign dogs don’t want to be...

  • Belle 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Live the most ordinary life and write the most beautiful poems. "Art" is not an embellishment of ordinary life, nor is it a supplement or adjustment, but a transcendent self parallel to the flesh. Tomorrow and tomorrow, can you drink a...

  • Janie 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Laura is definitely a fantasy by...

  • Alden 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    The thoughts of an ordinary person who is silent, focused and rich in heart are small, sincere and introverted while expressing emotions in poetry, and have nothing to ask for in the external world. My favorite screen role in ten years. Because of the strong sense of substitution, there must be a lot of emotional points, but being able to accurately describe a character with such a calm and orderly rhythm and angle itself reflects how emotional and sincere Jia Muxu...

  • Sarah 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    These two are like...

  • Maribel 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    A particularly old-school literary youth, a particularly saucy movie. The advantage is that the degree is just right, and the moment when you use various daily life to correspond to the poetry, it will not be so hypocritical. Poetry in the ordinary, fighting against the mediocrity of life with one's own hobbies, this is almost the inner monologue of every young film artist. It's just that we are often ashamed to admit it. Instead, he would laugh at himself with the phrase...

  • Cleve 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    4 Seven days and seven verses, routine is the rhyme of the poem, and the same lines and elements are the repeated sentences of the poem. Write poetry in a monotonous and ordinary life, and write poetry as an ordinary monotonous life. Jia Muxu is an American director who made French films. The driver is really suitable for acting as a poet and a driver, without any...

  • Marcella 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Jia Muxu refused to grow up at the age of 60, and the poetry written by American literary youth is really...

  • Anne 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    The protagonist is a bus driver, very interesting: the same working hours every day, driving routes, work uniforms, lunch boxes, and a drink after dinner. There is no need to think too much about these details of life, but it allows him to have a more subtle insight into the dialogue and expressions of the characters, thus projecting gentle emotions from the small things. Jiamuxu seemed to be saying that if you go slower, the same scenery along the way will shine. It's that simple to be hit by...

Extended Reading

Paterson quotes

  • Laura: Get any new writing done?

    Paterson: I did a little, yeah. Working on a poem for you.

    Laura: A love poem?

    Paterson: Yeah, I guess if it's for you, it's a love poem. It's kind of inspired by our Ohio Blue Tip Matches.

    Laura: Really? Does it mention the little megaphone shape the letters make?

    Paterson: [taken aback] Yeah, actually it does.

    Laura: How beautiful. I can't wait to read it when it's done.

  • Doc: Paterson, you still don't got a cell phone?

    Paterson: Uh, no. No, I don't want one. It would be a leash.

    Doc: What about the better half, she got one?

    Paterson: She's got one, yeah. And the laptop, and an iPad...

    Doc: She doesn't want you to get one?

    Paterson: No. She's okay about it. She understands me really well.

    Doc: [mutters] A lucky guy.


Director: Jim Jarmusch

Language: English,Italian Release date: December 28, 2016